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Volume 8 Issue 1
Mar.  2021
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DU Dongming,TAN Canshen,ZHANG Xiangyu.Discussion on Energy Saving and Consumption Reduction of Flue Gas, Air and Pulverized Coal Pipeline for 1 000 MW Unit[J].Southern Energy Construction,2021,08(01):87-92. doi:  10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2021.01.013
Citation: DU Dongming,TAN Canshen,ZHANG Xiangyu.Discussion on Energy Saving and Consumption Reduction of Flue Gas, Air and Pulverized Coal Pipeline for 1 000 MW Unit[J].Southern Energy Construction,2021,08(01):87-92. doi:  10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2021.01.013

Discussion on Energy Saving and Consumption Reduction of Flue Gas, Air and Pulverized Coal Pipeline for 1 000 MW Unit

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2021.01.013
  • Received Date: 2020-05-12
  • Rev Recd Date: 2020-08-27
  • Publish Date: 2021-03-25
  •   Introduction  Now the coal-fired units have more advantage of bidding to access the net , It also puts forward higher requirements for fine design and optimization of flue gas, air and pulverized coal pipeline in order to achieve the purpose of saving energy and reducing consumption.  Method  The article mainly used the combined research method of theory analysis and practice verification, firstly the function of different flue gas, air and pulverized coal pipeline system are analyzed and discuss theoretically in the view of saving energy and reducing consumption , according to the results of theoretical analysis the article proposed optimization design of the detailed rules for the implementation of different system, the numerical simulation software was used to verify the theoretical results preliminarily, At the same time, the application and practice of the actual project were verified.  Result  The research method of the energy-saving and consumption-reduction scheme proposed for the flue gas, air and pulverized coal pipeline system has been proved theoretically and by practices that it has remarkable energy-saving effect, which can not only reduce the initial investment of the system, but also reduce the annual operation expenditure of the unit.  Conclusion  Although the relevant research results in this paper are based on 1 000 MW units, the basic theories and research methods are commonly applicable to other graded unit projects, which can provide important reference for the design of energy conservation and consumption reduction of flue gas, air and pulverized coal pipeline in subsequent projects.
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  • 通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
    • 1. 

      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Discussion on Energy Saving and Consumption Reduction of Flue Gas, Air and Pulverized Coal Pipeline for 1 000 MW Unit

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2021.01.013

Abstract:   Introduction  Now the coal-fired units have more advantage of bidding to access the net , It also puts forward higher requirements for fine design and optimization of flue gas, air and pulverized coal pipeline in order to achieve the purpose of saving energy and reducing consumption.  Method  The article mainly used the combined research method of theory analysis and practice verification, firstly the function of different flue gas, air and pulverized coal pipeline system are analyzed and discuss theoretically in the view of saving energy and reducing consumption , according to the results of theoretical analysis the article proposed optimization design of the detailed rules for the implementation of different system, the numerical simulation software was used to verify the theoretical results preliminarily, At the same time, the application and practice of the actual project were verified.  Result  The research method of the energy-saving and consumption-reduction scheme proposed for the flue gas, air and pulverized coal pipeline system has been proved theoretically and by practices that it has remarkable energy-saving effect, which can not only reduce the initial investment of the system, but also reduce the annual operation expenditure of the unit.  Conclusion  Although the relevant research results in this paper are based on 1 000 MW units, the basic theories and research methods are commonly applicable to other graded unit projects, which can provide important reference for the design of energy conservation and consumption reduction of flue gas, air and pulverized coal pipeline in subsequent projects.

DU Dongming,TAN Canshen,ZHANG Xiangyu.Discussion on Energy Saving and Consumption Reduction of Flue Gas, Air and Pulverized Coal Pipeline for 1 000 MW Unit[J].Southern Energy Construction,2021,08(01):87-92. doi:  10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2021.01.013
Citation: DU Dongming,TAN Canshen,ZHANG Xiangyu.Discussion on Energy Saving and Consumption Reduction of Flue Gas, Air and Pulverized Coal Pipeline for 1 000 MW Unit[J].Southern Energy Construction,2021,08(01):87-92. doi:  10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2021.01.013
  • 近些年来,由于受工程占地面积及项目整体设计优化的影响,多数燃煤机组的烟风煤粉管道有效利用空间被进一步压缩,若仍按照常规的设计理念进行管路布置设计,则难免会出现急转弯头、高阻力异形件等对烟风煤粉介质流场均匀性不利的实施方案。这些不合理的实施方案,容易产生系统内介质湍流、振动和噪音,并且会增加系统电耗和运行费用。随着燃煤机组容量的不断增加,烟风煤粉管道的设计运行参数也相应增加,其设计方案对全厂运行能耗的影响也越来越大,同时考虑现阶段燃煤机组竞价上网的压力,对烟风煤粉管道的节能降耗研究就更具必要性。文章对燃煤机组烟风煤粉管道的系统功能、运行特点、布置型式等进行了一系列的研究,并针对不同系统提出了相应的优化设计方案以改进烟风煤粉管道系统流场分布,降低系统运行阻力,以配合燃煤机组进一步达到深度节能降耗的目标1-4

  • 烟风煤粉管道的节能降耗主要体现在降低风机的能耗并有效控制烟风道初投资5。电厂主要风机的阻力源分析如表1所示。


    Table 1.  Resistance source analysis statistical table

  • 包括风机吸风口、风机出口至空预器的管道、压力冷风道(接自一次风机出口管道,作为进入磨煤机热一次风的调温风)和密封风管道(密封风机入口及出口至磨煤机及风门的管道、压力冷风至给煤机的密封管道)。






  • 磨煤机出口至锅炉燃烧器入口间的煤粉管道。




  • 主要包括从空预器出口至磨煤机入口的热一次风道及从空预器出口至炉膛燃烧器入口的热二次风道。




  • 主要包括从空预器出口至除尘器入口的除尘器前烟道、从除尘器出口至引风机入口及引风机出口至脱硫系统直至烟囱的除尘器后烟道。



  • 下面以某百万工程为例,对烟风煤粉管道的节能设计进行介绍。

  • 宜首先对吸风口进行优化,常规工程采用的吸风口及防雨罩如图1所示,本文提出的新型方案如图2所示(该方案目前获得实用新型专利)。采用fluent模拟得出两种吸风口型式的流场分布如图3~图4所示。

    Figure 1.  Conventional fan suction opening

    Figure 2.  Innovative fan suction opening

    Figure 3.  Distribution diagram of flow field of conventional suction opening

    Figure 4.  Distribution diagram of flow field of innovative suction opening


  • 对冷二次风道优化前后的数值模拟结果如图5~图6所示,从图中可以看出:两种方案转弯处分离并不严重,但是出口处流动比较复杂,由于存在两个结构突变(一个突扩,一个突缩),分离严重。

    Figure 5.  Distribution diagram of flow field in conventional cold secondary air duct

    Figure 6.  Distribution diagram of flow field about optimized cold secondary air duct


  • 对热二次风道的数值模拟主要考虑以下几个方面:(1)考虑桁架对风道阻力的影响;(2)考虑弯头结构对风道阻力的影响;(3)考虑导流板对风道阻力的影响。以依托工程为例进行热二次风优化前后数值模拟,结果数据汇总如表2所示。

    优化前1 102.2

    Table 2.  Summary of calculation results of hot secondary air duct




  • 对除尘器前烟道优化前后的布置图如图7~图8所示,采用立体弯头后,除尘器每个入口支管弯头数量想等,更有利于除尘器内部的气流均布。

    Figure 7.  Conventional arrangement of flue gas duct before dust collector

    Figure 8.  Optimized arrangement of flue gas duct before dust collector

  • 该工程的烟风煤粉管道全部都按照1.2条的要求进行了优化设计。优化设计之后的节能降耗效果详见表3所示10-12。按锅炉年利用小时数为5 500 h,成本电价0.261元/kW·h计算。


    Table 3.  Energy saving and consumption reduction effect of flue gas, air and pulverized coal pipeline in a 1-million-yuan project

  • 1)文章结合1 000 MW机组烟风煤粉管道的设计特点,对其节能降耗方向进行了探讨,并结合fluent软件对流场特性的研究,总结出对设计初期烟风道布置具有指导意义的布置优化思路。最后在某百万工程中成功实施,节能效果显著。



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