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Volume 8 Issue 1
Mar.  2021
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MA Weizhe,CHENG Weijie,ZHANG Shipeng,et al.Influence of Load Model to Out-of-step Oscillation Characteristics of Power System[J].Southern Energy Construction,2021,08(01):110-114. doi:  10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2021.01.016
Citation: MA Weizhe,CHENG Weijie,ZHANG Shipeng,et al.Influence of Load Model to Out-of-step Oscillation Characteristics of Power System[J].Southern Energy Construction,2021,08(01):110-114. doi:  10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2021.01.016

Influence of Load Model to Out-of-step Oscillation Characteristics of Power System

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2021.01.016
  • Received Date: 2020-06-11
  • Rev Recd Date: 2020-09-22
  • Publish Date: 2021-03-25
  •   Introduction  Load, as the part that ultimately consumes active power, has a very important impact on the stability of the system. Therefore, the influence of different load models on out-of-step oscillation characteristics of power system is studied in this paper.  Method  This paper took a large grid’s regional discontinuity as the research target to comprehensively analyze the effects of different load models on the oscillation center and action of out of step splitting device using BPA program developed by China Electric Power Research Institute.  Result  The simulation results show when using the ZIP static load model, the line Ucos curve demonstrates the best periodic integrity , as the proportion of induction motor type load increases, the Ucos curve’s periodic integrity becomes worse, it even leads to a subversive change in the conclusion whether the out of step splitting device can react. In addition, different load models also cause the oscillation center migration.  Conclusion  Therefore, the credibility of simulation results can only be guaranteed by using the most realistic load model.
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  • 通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
    • 1. 

      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Influence of Load Model to Out-of-step Oscillation Characteristics of Power System

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2021.01.016

Abstract:   Introduction  Load, as the part that ultimately consumes active power, has a very important impact on the stability of the system. Therefore, the influence of different load models on out-of-step oscillation characteristics of power system is studied in this paper.  Method  This paper took a large grid’s regional discontinuity as the research target to comprehensively analyze the effects of different load models on the oscillation center and action of out of step splitting device using BPA program developed by China Electric Power Research Institute.  Result  The simulation results show when using the ZIP static load model, the line Ucos curve demonstrates the best periodic integrity , as the proportion of induction motor type load increases, the Ucos curve’s periodic integrity becomes worse, it even leads to a subversive change in the conclusion whether the out of step splitting device can react. In addition, different load models also cause the oscillation center migration.  Conclusion  Therefore, the credibility of simulation results can only be guaranteed by using the most realistic load model.

MA Weizhe,CHENG Weijie,ZHANG Shipeng,et al.Influence of Load Model to Out-of-step Oscillation Characteristics of Power System[J].Southern Energy Construction,2021,08(01):110-114. doi:  10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2021.01.016
Citation: MA Weizhe,CHENG Weijie,ZHANG Shipeng,et al.Influence of Load Model to Out-of-step Oscillation Characteristics of Power System[J].Southern Energy Construction,2021,08(01):110-114. doi:  10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2021.01.016
  • 电力系统由发电机、输电网络和负荷终端等主要元件组成1。负荷作为最终消耗有功功率的部分,对系统的稳定起着十分重要的影响2。前期的大量研究表明,不同的负荷模型对系统功角稳定、电压稳定、频率稳定均有不同的影响,甚至会产生颠覆性的变化3-4



  • 负荷模型一般分为静态负荷模型、动态负荷模型及综合负荷模型9-12

  • 静态负荷模型通常采用恒定阻抗、恒定电流和恒定功率的线性组合来表示。某些时候,为了分析负荷的频率特性,在ZIP模型之中,可以加入一个频率因子。ZIP静态负荷模型如式(1)

    P=P0ap(UU0)2+bp(UU0)+cp1+dp*df*f0Δf*Q=Q0ap(UU0)2+bp(UU0)+cp1+dp*df*f0Δf* ((1))


  • 动态负荷模型结构由非机理式和机理式两大类。机理式均是以感应电动机模型为基础,有三阶机电暂态模型和一阶机械暂态模型等,其中三阶模型能较好的反映感应电动机动态特性。

  • 采用三阶感应电动机并联负荷静态特性的综合负荷模型结构,是目前最常用的模型。通过设置不同的占比,产生不同的负荷模型。如华东电网采用的60%感应电动机并联40%恒阻抗、南方电网采用的50%感应电动机并联50%恒阻抗等。

  • 以某大型电网500 kV主网架为例,如图1所示。选取直流1+直流2双极闭锁稳控拒动和XLS站三相故障主保护拒动出线全失2个故障作为算例,重点研究对断面1的振荡中心特性及失步解列装置动作情况的影响。其中,直流1+直流2双极闭锁稳控拒动故障导致大量潮流迂回到交流断面上,引起区域间断面1失步振荡;XLS站三相故障主保护拒动出线失压导致断面1的一个通道断开,引起断面其他通道失步振荡。失步解列装置动作判据采用Ucosφ轨迹法。主要算例采用3种负荷模型:(1)综合负荷模型:50%Ⅲ型马达+50%恒阻抗模型;(2)静态30%恒阻抗+40%恒电流+30%恒功率模型,简称静态3-4-3ZIP模型;(3)70%Ⅲ型马达+30%恒阻抗模型。马达参数为:定子电阻Rs 0.02,定子电抗Xs 0.18,激磁电抗Xm 3.5,转子电阻Rr 0.02,转子电抗Xr 0.12,惯性时间常数Tj 2。

    Figure 1.  Schematic diagram of the 500 kV main grid frame of a large grid

  • 以直流1+直流2双极闭锁稳控拒动故障为例,经仿真分析,采用不同的负荷模型,振荡中心均位于断面1附近(GL-XLS线、LD-HZ线、HZ-LUD线、LB-WZ线及YL-MM线),不同之处是在HZ-LUD通道上,采用不同的负荷模型振荡中心的位置有所不一样,详见图2。由图2可知,采用ZIP模型时,振荡中心在HZ-LUD线上;采用50%Ⅲ型马达+50%恒阻抗模型时,振荡中心前2周期在HZ-LUD线后迁移至LD-HZ线;采用70%Ⅲ型马达+30%恒阻抗模型时,振荡中心主要在HZ-LUD线上。总之,负荷模型的不同将影响振荡中心的迁移变化。

    Figure 2.  Phase difference curve of both sides of the LD-HZ and HZ-LUD lines


  • 以直流1+直流2双极闭锁稳控拒动故障时GL-XLS线XLS侧、HZ-LUD线HZ侧、WZ-LUD线WZ侧、YL-MM线MM侧Ucosφ曲线为例进行分析。由图3可知,采用ZIP静态负荷模型,线路Ucosφ曲线周期完整性最好,两广断面所有线路均能正确判出并解列断面;但随着感应电动机类型负荷的占比增加,Ucosφ曲线周期完整性变差,甚至会导致失步解列装置能否动作的结论发生颠覆性变化。如WZ-LUD线WZ侧Ucosφ曲线,采用ZIP负荷模型,第二周期幅值范围为[-1,1],采用70%Ⅲ型马达+30%恒阻抗模型,第二周期Ucosφ幅值范围为[-0.26,0.42]。根据装置的逻辑判别原理,Ucosφ幅值从大于0.3的值穿越到小于-0.3,才算完成一个周期,因此,存在采用70%Ⅲ型马达+30%恒阻抗模型时,周期定值整定为2时,WZ侧失步解列装置不能解开WZ-LUD线的情况。

    Figure 3.  Ucosφ curve of XLS side of GL-XLS Line, HZ side of HZ-LUD Line, WZ side of WZ-LUD Line, MM side of YL-MM Line when DC1+DC2 bipolar blocking failure that stability control device refused to move


    Figure 4.  Ucosφ curve of LUD side of LUD-WZ Line when XLS station three-phase failur, main protection refusing to operate and failure of all outgoing lines happened


  • 负荷作为电力系统的一个重要组成部分,其模型和参数选择与实际负荷的吻合程度对电力系统相应的失步振荡特性分析结论具有重要影响。


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