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Volume 8 Issue 2
Jun.  2021
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ZHANG Haoran,CAO Xiaoning,JIANG Xiaohong,et al.Comparative Analysis of Pressurizer Proportional Spray Control Valve for PWR Nuclear Power Plant[J].Southern Energy Construction,2021,08(02):52-55. doi:  10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2021.02.008
Citation: ZHANG Haoran,CAO Xiaoning,JIANG Xiaohong,et al.Comparative Analysis of Pressurizer Proportional Spray Control Valve for PWR Nuclear Power Plant[J].Southern Energy Construction,2021,08(02):52-55. doi:  10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2021.02.008

Comparative Analysis of Pressurizer Proportional Spray Control Valve for PWR Nuclear Power Plant

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2021.02.008
  • Received Date: 2021-02-01
  • Rev Recd Date: 2021-04-13
  • Publish Date: 2021-06-25
  •   Introduction  The pressurizer proportional spray control valve is one of the key valves for PWR nuclear power plant and it is the only level 1 nuclear safety control valve in power station system. Mastering the technical characteristics of the valve has very important guiding significance for engineering and domestic research for the valve.  Method  Based on two typical structures used in domestic PWR nuclear power units - pneumatic V-ball proportional spray valve and solenoid angular proportional spray valve, this paper compared and analyzed them from structural design, working principle, operation and maintenance.  Result  Through analysis, it was concluded that the two types of proportional spray valves have different technical routes, but both can realize the spray control function required by the pressurizer system of nuclear power plant. Users can choose relatively suitable products according to the technical route and specific needs of nuclear power plant.  Conclusion  However, in the new nuclear power market in the future, the solenoid angle proportional spray valve was expected to have a broad application prospect.
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  • 通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
    • 1. 

      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Comparative Analysis of Pressurizer Proportional Spray Control Valve for PWR Nuclear Power Plant

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2021.02.008

Abstract:   Introduction  The pressurizer proportional spray control valve is one of the key valves for PWR nuclear power plant and it is the only level 1 nuclear safety control valve in power station system. Mastering the technical characteristics of the valve has very important guiding significance for engineering and domestic research for the valve.  Method  Based on two typical structures used in domestic PWR nuclear power units - pneumatic V-ball proportional spray valve and solenoid angular proportional spray valve, this paper compared and analyzed them from structural design, working principle, operation and maintenance.  Result  Through analysis, it was concluded that the two types of proportional spray valves have different technical routes, but both can realize the spray control function required by the pressurizer system of nuclear power plant. Users can choose relatively suitable products according to the technical route and specific needs of nuclear power plant.  Conclusion  However, in the new nuclear power market in the future, the solenoid angle proportional spray valve was expected to have a broad application prospect.

ZHANG Haoran,CAO Xiaoning,JIANG Xiaohong,et al.Comparative Analysis of Pressurizer Proportional Spray Control Valve for PWR Nuclear Power Plant[J].Southern Energy Construction,2021,08(02):52-55. doi:  10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2021.02.008
Citation: ZHANG Haoran,CAO Xiaoning,JIANG Xiaohong,et al.Comparative Analysis of Pressurizer Proportional Spray Control Valve for PWR Nuclear Power Plant[J].Southern Energy Construction,2021,08(02):52-55. doi:  10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2021.02.008
  • 压水堆核电系统中,稳压器是对一回路进行压力控制和超压保护的重要设备1-7。在机组正常运行及瞬态工况下,稳压器喷淋系统与电加热器配合,共同执行一回路压力控制功能。根据喷淋水来源不同,稳压器喷淋系统可分为主喷淋和辅助喷淋。其中,主喷淋管线有两条,由分别连接至两条冷管段的管线组成,每1列稳压器比例喷雾阀上游与主管道冷段连接,下游两条支管到稳压器前连成一条共用喷淋母管后与喷淋管嘴相连。稳压器比例喷雾阀为主喷淋管线上的最重要设备,也是核电站系统中唯一的核安全1级控制阀8-12

  • 在二代及早期核电机组中,稳压器比例喷雾阀均采用气动V型球芯式控制阀。



    允许阀座泄漏率Ⅳ级 ANSI FCI 70-2Ⅳ级ANSI FCI 70-2

    Table 1.  Comparison of main technical parameters of the two proportional spray valves

  • 目前核电市场普遍使用的气动V型球心式稳压器比例喷雾阀主要为F公司产品。阀门整机由阀门本体、气动执行机构和控制系统三部分组成。其中,阀门本体采用锻造阀体,阀芯流量调节部分采用V型球心,阀杆采用石墨填料密封结构。气动执行机构采用薄膜式,气源控制系统回路由电磁阀、定位器、过滤器、放大器、电气转换器、气体储罐等部件组成。通过系统为执行机构配备动力气源,在接收系统4~20 mA的控制命令后,经电气转换器、定位器等实现阀门开启和关闭操作及比例调节控制功能。阀门调节特性为等百分比形式,满足阀门小开度工况下的流量调节需求。在阀门阀杆的开、关位置分别配备限位开关,以满足系统信号反馈和阀门控制要求。


  • 三代核电华龙一号的稳压器比例喷雾阀为电磁驱动截止型控制阀,现有核电市场供货产品为F公司的Y型结构电磁驱动控制阀。阀门由上部电磁驱动执行器、下部阀门本体和外接电仪控制柜三大部分组成。阀体本体采用整体锻造结构,阀体上部为配套的电磁驱动执行机构,阀芯调节部分采用截止型阀芯结构。阀门动作过程中,通过电仪控制系统向电磁驱动执行器输入4~20 mA的电流信号,转化为电磁驱动力并带动阀芯的上下运动,实现阀门的开关动作和调节功能。阀门位置反馈和调节通过电磁驱动执行器内置的位置反馈装置实现,无需外接阀杆限位开关或阀位指示器。

  • 气动V型球芯比例喷雾阀采用传统的填料密封结构。电磁驱动比例喷雾阀采用整体屏蔽型结构,无填料密封,实现了无外漏技术。因此,电磁驱动比例喷雾阀的密封结构相比气动V型球芯比例喷雾阀更为安全可靠。

  • 对比电磁驱动型和气动驱动型比例喷雾阀的产品实际测试参数,两种比例喷雾阀的实际动作时间均满足设计要求,均可实现系统快速响应要求。

  • 对比两种比例喷雾阀设计方案和产品实际结构尺寸、重量等如表2。通过对比分析可知,电磁驱动型比例喷雾阀结构更加紧凑,整机高度仅和重量仅为气动V型球芯式比例喷雾的一半重量。因此,采用电磁驱动型比例喷雾阀更方便于系统管线布置。

    高度/mm802(无手轮)1 610(含305手轮)

    Table 2.  Comparison of main interface dimensions of the two proportional spray valves

  • 气动V型球芯比例喷雾阀,阀杆密封采用填料结构,需要定期更换填料,且气源控制回路所用电气附件较多,包括定位器、电磁阀、过滤减压阀、放大器、锁气器等气源管路电气附件,均需要在机组在役期间进行定期的检测和维修。


  • 从整机的研发成本分析,两种型式的比例喷雾阀均需进行阀门本体、执行机构和控制系统(主要是配套电仪控制部件)的研发。



  • 气动V型球芯比例喷雾阀属于早期及二代核电等传统的喷雾阀,市场供货和应用相对成熟;电磁驱动型比例喷雾阀属于三代核电创新技术;两种结构型式的比例喷雾阀适用的技术路线不同,但均可实现核电站稳压器系统所需的喷淋控制功能。因此,用户可根据核电厂的技术路线和具体需求选择相对适宜的产品。


  • 项目名称 国家科技重大专项资助“高温高调节性能电磁驱动角式控制阀”(2019ZX06004014)

    承担单位 中广核工程有限公司

    项目概述 高温高调节性能电磁驱动角式控制阀项目结合当前三代先进压水堆核电机组对稳压器喷雾阀的技术要求及稳压器喷雾阀在系统中所执行功能要求,开展高温高调节性能电磁驱动角式控制阀的研制技术要求及鉴定要求研究和高温高调节性能电磁驱动角式控制阀的详细设计、制造、鉴定技术研究工作,完成高温高调节性能电磁驱动角式控制阀的样机制造以及样机的全部鉴定工作,实现高温高调节性能电磁驱动角式控制阀的自主化、国产化和产业化。

    主要创新点 (1)耐高温、高精度、具有补偿功能的平衡弹簧阀芯系统设计;(2)核安全1级无外漏整体式高强度屏蔽套制造技术;(3)耐高温、耐高辐照环境的电磁驱动设计。

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