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Volume 8 Issue 2
Jun.  2021
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GUO Yuanping,XU Min,GUO Zuogang,et al.Research on New Energy Generation Scheduling for Grid Security and Scheduling Fairness[J].Southern Energy Construction,2021,08(02):71-77. doi:  10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2021.02.011
Citation: GUO Yuanping,XU Min,GUO Zuogang,et al.Research on New Energy Generation Scheduling for Grid Security and Scheduling Fairness[J].Southern Energy Construction,2021,08(02):71-77. doi:  10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2021.02.011

Research on New Energy Generation Scheduling for Grid Security and Scheduling Fairness

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2021.02.011
  • Received Date: 2021-01-07
  • Rev Recd Date: 2021-03-16
  • Publish Date: 2021-06-25
  •   Introduction  With incessant grid-connection of wind farms and photovoltaic power stations, the development of regional power grid structure cannot keep pace with the growth rate of new energy unit capacity, characteristics of multi-energy mix and hierarchical features of section bring difficulties to the formulation of day-ahead generation scheduling, for this reason, a method for multi-level and multi-energy day-ahead generation scheduling considering the safety constraint of the section and the fairness of dispatch was proposed.  Method  This paper presented a depth-first search for the restricted section, and proposed an output limitation allocation strategy based on information entropy. A fairness calculation method was constructed by using the concept of information entropy in economics to guide the quantitative indicators for evaluating scheduling fairness.  Result  Under the circumstances of ensuring that the cross-sectional current is close to the stability limit, the active power of each power plant is distributed reasonably and equitably, thereby realizes the full utilization of wind and solar resources.  Conclusion  Through a practical example of a regional power grid, it is proved that this method can solve the existing problems in new energy day-ahead generation scheduling and has good practical application value.
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  • 通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
    • 1. 

      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Research on New Energy Generation Scheduling for Grid Security and Scheduling Fairness

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2021.02.011

Abstract:   Introduction  With incessant grid-connection of wind farms and photovoltaic power stations, the development of regional power grid structure cannot keep pace with the growth rate of new energy unit capacity, characteristics of multi-energy mix and hierarchical features of section bring difficulties to the formulation of day-ahead generation scheduling, for this reason, a method for multi-level and multi-energy day-ahead generation scheduling considering the safety constraint of the section and the fairness of dispatch was proposed.  Method  This paper presented a depth-first search for the restricted section, and proposed an output limitation allocation strategy based on information entropy. A fairness calculation method was constructed by using the concept of information entropy in economics to guide the quantitative indicators for evaluating scheduling fairness.  Result  Under the circumstances of ensuring that the cross-sectional current is close to the stability limit, the active power of each power plant is distributed reasonably and equitably, thereby realizes the full utilization of wind and solar resources.  Conclusion  Through a practical example of a regional power grid, it is proved that this method can solve the existing problems in new energy day-ahead generation scheduling and has good practical application value.

GUO Yuanping,XU Min,GUO Zuogang,et al.Research on New Energy Generation Scheduling for Grid Security and Scheduling Fairness[J].Southern Energy Construction,2021,08(02):71-77. doi:  10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2021.02.011
Citation: GUO Yuanping,XU Min,GUO Zuogang,et al.Research on New Energy Generation Scheduling for Grid Security and Scheduling Fairness[J].Southern Energy Construction,2021,08(02):71-77. doi:  10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2021.02.011
  • 随着新能源迅速发展1,地区电网调度管辖范围内的风电场和光伏电站愈来愈多。新能源并网形成输电断面嵌套分层结构,正常运行方式下可能存在断面越限,在电网检修方式或电网N-1事故情况下,断面越限更加严重,导致新能源出力受限时出现不合理弃风、弃光的现象。多能源混合和输电断面的嵌套分层结构特征给日前发电计划制定带来困难2-3。风力发电具有很强的随机性和波动性4,光伏在夜间不具备发电条件,仅在白天发电,具有明显的间歇性。风电和光伏为主的多能源并网,其出力特性不同,使得各风电场和光伏电站功率如何公平分配成为一个难点。



  • 多能源混合的电厂日前发电计划需要考虑输电断面的安全约束,根据可就地消纳的负荷预测、输电断面的输送能力等因素,计算断面安全约束条件下的风电场和光伏电站的可接纳空间,当该断面下各个电厂的发电预测功率超过该接纳空间时,输电断面越限,需对风电和光伏的发电计划进行出力限制。


  • 假设某风电和光伏混合的新能源输电断面由分层嵌套的多个输电线路组成,如图1所示,其对应的变电站母线接有风电场、光伏电站和用电负荷,无储能装置,电厂未接入AGC控制。最外层的是断面1和断面2,处于第2层的是断面3,处于第3层的是断面4,处于第4层的是断面5。

    Figure 1.  Structure of a transmission section



    max(Pti-g')=f(Pti-f',Pti-c',βi) ((1))


    Pti-f'=inPti-f,i=1,2,3n ((2))
    Pti-c'=inj=1mPti-j-c,j=1,2,3m,i=1,2,3n ((3))


    Pti-g'Pi-max+Pti-f' ((4))


  • 断面出力优化算法流程如图2所示。根据调度相关规定可直接将电厂出力预测作为分配初始值,达到新能源最大化消纳的目的。

    Figure 2.  Flow chart of the algorithm



  • 本文提出基于信息熵的公平性调度出力受限分配策略,利用经济学领域中信息熵的概念指导评价调度公平性的量化指标,构造公平性计算方法,计算出受限断面下相关电厂的出力受限分配系数。



  • 指标无量纲化将各指标进行标准化处理15-16,本文选择极值法,如式(5)式(6)所示:


    xijz'=xijz-mizMiz-miz×10 ((5))


    xijz'=Miz-xijzMiz-miz×10 ((6))


  • 计算i断面相关电厂z指标下j电厂的特征比重。

    pijz=xijz'j=1mxijz' ((7))


    eiz=-1lnnj=1mpijzlnpijz, 0eiz1 ((8))


    giz=1-eiz ((9))


    wiz=gizz=1Zgiz,z=1,2,3Z ((10))


    sij=z=1Zwizpijz ((11))


    Xij=Ki×sij×Pti-j-cj=1msij×Pti-j-c ((12))


  • 以某实际区域的110 kV电网断面结构为算例进行分析,如图3所示。电厂1和电厂3为风电,电厂2为光伏,总装机容量为197 MW,变电站所供负荷多为居民用电,负荷较轻,就地消纳能力较弱。网架结构为环网线路,本文计算分析时将上级电网到变电站3的线路作为开口点,此时新能源场站均通过断面1并入主网,断面1、断面2、断面3的线路有功限值为90 MW,断面4为100 MW。深度优先搜索越限的断面,以断面功率接近稳定极限值运行,最终保证所有断面不超稳定极限,达到断面的最大化利用。

    Figure 3.  Structure of the transmission section of an actual power grid


    断面1 /断面2电厂180.344836.231 066.589.81

    Table 1.  Weight table of output limitation of power plant for each section


    Figure 4.  Power curve of the section 1

    Figure 5.  Power curve of the section 2

    Figure 6.  Power curve of the section 3

    Figure 7.  Power curve of the section 4



    Table 2.  Table of output limitation of power plant for each section

    Figure 8.  Power curve of power plant 1

    Figure 9.  Power curve of power plant 2

    Figure 10.  Power curve of power plant 3

  • 本文提出从内层到外层的优先级顺序逐步降低搜索越限断面的算法模型,提出基于信息熵的出力受限分配策略,为解决复杂断面和混合新能源发电调度控制难题提供了新方法,实现了断面最大化利用和清洁能源能源最大化消纳,同时也保证了电厂日前发电计划的公平性,具有较强的实用意义。


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