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Volume 8 Issue 2
Jun.  2021
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XIONG Wen,WEI Guoen,WANG Li,et al.Research on the Design Scheme of Wide Area Synchronous Phasor Measurement System for Smart Distribution Grid[J].Southern Energy Construction,2021,08(02):85-90. doi:  10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2021.02.013
Citation: XIONG Wen,WEI Guoen,WANG Li,et al.Research on the Design Scheme of Wide Area Synchronous Phasor Measurement System for Smart Distribution Grid[J].Southern Energy Construction,2021,08(02):85-90. doi:  10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2021.02.013

Research on the Design Scheme of Wide Area Synchronous Phasor Measurement System for Smart Distribution Grid

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2021.02.013
  • Received Date: 2020-11-30
  • Rev Recd Date: 2021-03-31
  • Publish Date: 2021-06-25
  •   Introduction  With the access of large-scale distributed generation and flexible load in distribution network, the accuracy and speed of traditional terminal measurement are difficult to meet the actual needs, while the new generation of distribution micro synchronous phasor measurement unit (D-PMU) is an important way to solve the above problems.  Method  Firstly, the working principle and application of D-PMU were analyzed; secondly, the synchronized phasor measurement system of distribution network and its installation and deployment scheme were proposed; then, according to the requirements of the demonstration area, the architecture and deployment scheme of wide area measurement and control system of distribution network were proposed; finally, the application of D-PMU in intelligent distribution network was summarized.  Results  The effectiveness of the demonstration construction verifies the feasibility and economy of the key technology and design scheme developed by the project.  Conclusion  It provides rich engineering experience for the further integration and promotion of D-PMU with other traditional fields of distribution network.
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  • 通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
    • 1. 

      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Research on the Design Scheme of Wide Area Synchronous Phasor Measurement System for Smart Distribution Grid

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2021.02.013

Abstract:   Introduction  With the access of large-scale distributed generation and flexible load in distribution network, the accuracy and speed of traditional terminal measurement are difficult to meet the actual needs, while the new generation of distribution micro synchronous phasor measurement unit (D-PMU) is an important way to solve the above problems.  Method  Firstly, the working principle and application of D-PMU were analyzed; secondly, the synchronized phasor measurement system of distribution network and its installation and deployment scheme were proposed; then, according to the requirements of the demonstration area, the architecture and deployment scheme of wide area measurement and control system of distribution network were proposed; finally, the application of D-PMU in intelligent distribution network was summarized.  Results  The effectiveness of the demonstration construction verifies the feasibility and economy of the key technology and design scheme developed by the project.  Conclusion  It provides rich engineering experience for the further integration and promotion of D-PMU with other traditional fields of distribution network.

XIONG Wen,WEI Guoen,WANG Li,et al.Research on the Design Scheme of Wide Area Synchronous Phasor Measurement System for Smart Distribution Grid[J].Southern Energy Construction,2021,08(02):85-90. doi:  10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2021.02.013
Citation: XIONG Wen,WEI Guoen,WANG Li,et al.Research on the Design Scheme of Wide Area Synchronous Phasor Measurement System for Smart Distribution Grid[J].Southern Energy Construction,2021,08(02):85-90. doi:  10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2021.02.013
  • 随着大规模分布式电源和电动汽车等负荷的接入1,配电网运行状态更加复杂多变,传统终端的测量面临谐波、间谐波、噪声、阶跃等干扰,测量结果的准确性和快速性均面临巨大挑战2-3

    同步相量测量装置(Phasor Mearsurement Unit,PMU)已在电力系统发电和输电网中得到广泛应用4-6,目前也正积极向配电网推广7-9。不同于传统的测控装置,PMU具备三个显著的特征:“快”、“准”和“全”。“快”指PMU需支持的上传速率和动态响应速度快;“准”指无论动态还是稳态情况,PMU均需满足严格的精度考核指标;“全”指PMU不仅可以测出幅值、频率和功率等,同时可测出全网的同步相角和功角,同时量测数据带全网统一的时标。正是由于这三个特征,PMU已不仅仅是其发明初期仅用来监测同步相角的装置,而已经成为电力系统不可或缺的工具。在向配电网进行推广的过程中,配电网同步相量测量装置与配网传统终端进行了融合,形成一种配电网新一代配电网微型同步相量测量装置(Distribution Micro Synchronous Phasor Measurement Unit,D-PMU),具有传统测控保护类终端的功能,同时具有快速性、准确性、可靠性和扩展性,应用领域也从监测推广到辨识、分析、控制和保护。


  • D-PMU能以微秒级采样周期采集配电网运行过程中的电流、电压等相量信息,计算并获得测点功率、相位、功角等信息,通过GPS/北斗提供时间同步信号,D-PMU可将每个状态量同步到同一个时间断面上,对配电网运行信息进行实时同步监测。







    Figure 1.  Overall system structure of D-PMU








  • 典型配电网运行监控开关柜结构如图2所示,主要包括柜体500、三相五柱式电压互感器10、行波传感器11、进线三相双绕组电流互感器12、出线三相双绕组电流互感器13和同步相量测量装置14。具体地,三相五柱式电压互感器10的第一端连接母线,第二端连接行波传感器11的一端,行波传感器11的另一端接地;进线三相双绕组电流互感器12的第一端连接母线,第二端通过连接电缆23连接外部电力设备;出线三相双绕组电流互感器13的第一端连接母线,第二端通过出线电缆24外部设备;三相五柱式电压互感器10的第三端、行波传感器11的第三端、进线三相双绕组电流互感器12的第三端和出线三相双绕组电压互感器13的第三端均通过控制电缆连接到同步相量测量装置14,将所采集的数据传输到同步相量测量装置14进行分析,从而能够实现对配电网的运行调度。采用上述配电网运行监控开关柜对配电网进行监控和运行调度,在适应配电网不断发展的需求的同时,能够不对原有的开关柜进行改造,造成的停电时间较少,大大提高了配电网的可靠性。

    Figure 2.  Structure diagram of distribution network operation monitoring switch cabinet



  • 配电网同步相量测量系统结构示意图如图3所示,章节2.1所述的配电网运行监控开关柜,还包括待改造开关柜,配电网运行监控开关柜通过连接电缆23与待改造开关柜的出线间隔的冷缩电缆头25相连接。待改造开关柜的进线间隔的冷缩电缆头26的一端通过待改造开关柜的进线开关与母线连接,另一端连接进线电缆27,进一步地通过进线电缆27与外部设备相连。待改造开关柜通过进线间隔的冷缩电缆头26与外部电力系统连接,从而采集外部电力系统的电压与电流,对外部电力系统的电压与电流进行监控。

    Figure 3.  Structure diagram of distribution network synchronous phasor measurement system



  • 根据示范区域的业务需求,提出配电网广域测量控制系统的体系架构及部署方案。在终端方面,充分考虑示范区域配电网的网架架构现状及规划、负荷分布、开关设备情况以及现场实施条件,提出D-PMU安装部署方案。在上述基础上,进行示范工程高级功能设计,并开展示范工程建设工作。

  • 以广州某地区示范工程系统为例,说明自适应状态估计、精确故障定位和源网荷协调控制功能的应用。示范区占地约25 km2,共涉及变电站3座,10 kV馈线13回,为国家第一批分布式光伏发电应用示范区。2020年光伏发电总计规模大于30 MW,电动汽车充换电站(桩)大于5 MW,负荷规模达到40 MW。示范工程D-PMU安装点网络接线图如图4所示。

    Figure 4.  Network wiring of D-PMU installation point in the demonstration area

  • 示范工程功能应用主要包括:自适应状态估计、精确故障定位、源网荷协调控制等功能。

  • 在示范区分别设置配网同步相量测量装置覆盖率达100%、SCADA+PMU覆盖率达100%以及量测不足三种情况,用于对比测试不同配置下状态估计效果。所以选取WL站部分和BTF2、BTF3、BTF19配网PMU覆盖率达100%,可验证量测充足情况下的快速状态估计效果。选取BTF9作为SCADA和配网PMU覆盖率达到100%示范区域,以验证量测充足情况下的高精度状态估计效果。选取BTF1、BTF4、BTF8、BTF10、BTF13、BTF14、BTF16以验证量测不足情况下的鲁棒状态估计效果。

  • 示范区考虑MZF5线路较长,分支较多,电缆和架空线混合,多T接,所以选取为从化示范区的精确故障定位高级应用功能示范点。选取线路首端即MZ变电站F5馈线端,分支末端HKCLJLD配变、HXC配变、KYXJC和HXXY专用高压房安装带有行波功能的同步相量测量装置,以示范高精度故障定位功能。

  • 示范区考虑BT变电站为主要供电电源,选取BT变电站及下属各馈线示范源网荷协调控制高级应用功能和孤岛切换及稳定控制功能。考虑工业园区含光伏电源容量为17.8 MWp,CCHP(Combined Cooling Heating and Power,冷热电联产系统)容量为30 MW,充电桩容量为0.8 MW,工业大负荷容量为66.1 MW,所以此示范区重点示范源网荷协调控制。考虑BTF8、BTF9、BTF10涵盖医院、政府、派出所、客运站等重要负荷,选取此示范区重点示范孤岛切换及稳定控制功能。

  • 示范区建成后,示范区内状态估计精度高于95%;故障检测准确率高于99%;故障定位精度小于0.2 km;源-网-荷快速协调控制系统的闭环控制平均时延小于200 ms。

    通过配电网故障诊断与精确定位技术,可大幅提高故障检测准确率,平均缩短故障处理时间48.25 min,年减少用户停电损失约314万元。

    通过源荷协调控制,实现配电网与用户的灵活互动,削减示范区柔性负荷峰值约13%,延缓输配电基础设施投资约416万元,减少调峰备用电源建设费用约1 170万元。

  • 建成涵盖柔性负荷、分布式电源、充电桩等配网典型负荷,涵盖变电站、配电房、集装箱、户外杆塔等配网典型安装环境,涵盖基于D-PMU的自适应状态估计、故障精确定位和源网荷协调控制及孤岛运行等配网典型高级应用功能的示范工程,对国家重点研发计划项目相关内容进行试验,为后续大规模推广和复制积累工程经验。

  • 本文详细介绍了配电网同步相量测量装置的技术原理及作用、系统及安装部署方案和工程案例。本文的先进性和主要工作如下:





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