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Dec.  2021
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LIU Sheng.Research on Electrical Application Technology of Intensive Offshore Converter Station[J].Southern Energy Construction,2021,08(04):32-36. doi:  10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2021.04.005
Citation: LIU Sheng.Research on Electrical Application Technology of Intensive Offshore Converter Station[J].Southern Energy Construction,2021,08(04):32-36. doi:  10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2021.04.005

Research on Electrical Application Technology of Intensive Offshore Converter Station

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2021.04.005
  • Received Date: 2021-02-09
  • Rev Recd Date: 2021-05-06
  • Publish Date: 2021-12-25
  •   Introduction  Large capacity wind turbines and 66 kV power collection system will be selected for deep sea large-scale offshore wind power transmission. The wind turbines can be directly connected to the offshore converter station, so the offshore booster station can be cancelled and the intensive design can be realized. In this paper, the key electrical technology of intensive offshore converter station was preliminarily studied.  Method  On the basis of the existing offshore wind power flexible DC transmission technology, by studying the main circuit topology, core electrical equipment selection and platform layout optimization of the intensive offshore converter station, a feasible technical scheme for the key electrical technology was given.  Result  With the gradual popularization of offshore wind power 66 kV collection system, intensive offshore wind power flexible direct transmission will become the mainstream design scheme in the future. In this paper, the research conclusions with guiding significance were given for the key electrical technology points of intensive offshore converter station.  Conclusion  Compared with the traditional converter station, the intensive offshore converter station has obvious technical advantages. The research conclusions formed in this paper can provide technical support for the scheme decision-making and implementation of deep sea large-scale offshore wind power transmission project in the future, and have a good demonstration application prospect.
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  • 通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
    • 1. 

      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Research on Electrical Application Technology of Intensive Offshore Converter Station

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2021.04.005

Abstract:   Introduction  Large capacity wind turbines and 66 kV power collection system will be selected for deep sea large-scale offshore wind power transmission. The wind turbines can be directly connected to the offshore converter station, so the offshore booster station can be cancelled and the intensive design can be realized. In this paper, the key electrical technology of intensive offshore converter station was preliminarily studied.  Method  On the basis of the existing offshore wind power flexible DC transmission technology, by studying the main circuit topology, core electrical equipment selection and platform layout optimization of the intensive offshore converter station, a feasible technical scheme for the key electrical technology was given.  Result  With the gradual popularization of offshore wind power 66 kV collection system, intensive offshore wind power flexible direct transmission will become the mainstream design scheme in the future. In this paper, the research conclusions with guiding significance were given for the key electrical technology points of intensive offshore converter station.  Conclusion  Compared with the traditional converter station, the intensive offshore converter station has obvious technical advantages. The research conclusions formed in this paper can provide technical support for the scheme decision-making and implementation of deep sea large-scale offshore wind power transmission project in the future, and have a good demonstration application prospect.

LIU Sheng.Research on Electrical Application Technology of Intensive Offshore Converter Station[J].Southern Energy Construction,2021,08(04):32-36. doi:  10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2021.04.005
Citation: LIU Sheng.Research on Electrical Application Technology of Intensive Offshore Converter Station[J].Southern Energy Construction,2021,08(04):32-36. doi:  10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2021.04.005
  • OA:https://www.energychina.press/


    从全球海上风电发展与规划的情况来看,近年来,全球海上风电发展呈现大容量、高电压和远距离的特点2。针对大容量和远距离海上风电送出项目,风机单机容量不断提升,风电场集电系统电压等级也随之升高,对应8~10 MW大容量风机的集电系统电压已由35 kV升高至66 kV3

    采用66 kV集电系统具备取消海上升压站,直接接入海上换流站的条件,实现集约式,在深远海大型海上风电项目中已呈现出明显的技术优势4。因此,随着海上风电场66 kV集电系统的逐渐普及,集约式海上风电柔直送出将成为以后的主流设计方案。



  • 对于传统海上换流站,海上风电场通过35 kV海缆将电能输送至海上升压站汇总和升压后,通过220 kV海缆输送至海上换流站,然后通过直流海缆输送至陆上换流站,逆变后送入陆地电网6


    Figure 1.  System scheme of traditional offshore converter station

  • 集约式海上换流站是在传统海上换流站的基础上,海上风电场66 kV风机通过66 kV集电线路直接接入海上换流站。


    Figure 2.  System scheme of intensive offshore converter station

  • 集约式海上换流站与传统海上换流站的主要差异如下:

  • 集约式海上换流站省去了传统的220 kV升压汇集环节,改为66 kV集电系统在换流站汇集后直接接入联接变压器。

  • 传统海上换流站网侧为220 kV配电装置,集约式海上换流站网侧为66 kV配电装置,设备选型的不同造成布置方案也有所差异。

  • 由于网侧电压等级的不同,联接变压器的选型和结构也有所区别。

  • 集约式海上换流站与传统海上换流站直流侧拓扑结构相同,本文仅研究网侧拓扑结构的差异。


    Figure 3.  Electrical wiring of offshore converter station

    Figure 3.  Electrical wiring of offshore converter station

    Figure 3.  Electrical wiring of offshore converter station





    但是当采用66 kV集电线路直接接入的集约式海上换流站方案后,进出线回路数较多,一般为15~20回,若仍采用一个半断路器接线,断路器数量较多,不但增加投资,并且会增大平台尺寸,因此推荐采用单母线或双母线接线方式。

    66 kV集电线路在换流站66 kV母线汇集后,母线短路容量变大,可能会超过配电设备开断短路电流的能力值,因此,母线需要分列运行,为了保证其中一台变压器故障时,风场电能可以通过健全变压器继续送出,有以下两种解决方案:

    1)66 kV母线设置联络开关,当变压器故障时,对应的负荷通过联络开关切换至健全变压器送出。电气接线如图4所示。

    Figure 4.  Electrical wiring of intensive offshore converter station 1

    2)66 kV母线不设联络开关,与联接变压器之间采用交叉连接的方式。典型电气接线如图5所示。

    Figure 5.  Electrical wiring of intensive offshore converter station 2

  • 海上换流站网侧选用66 kV GIS设备后,在相同输送容量下,联接变压器回路电流增大较多。

    以某1 000 MW海上风电直流送出工程为例,典型应用场景为海上换流站设置两台联接变压器,变压器容量为700 MVA。此时联接变压器回路最大电流为6 124 A,超出了现有66 kV GIS设备的制造水平,联接变压器网侧绕组需要特殊设计。


  • 联接变压器网侧绕组仍为单绕组,但是引出导体由单回路改造为双回路。该方案的优点是变压器内部结构仍是传统的双绕组结构,改造成本低,容易实现;缺点是需要在变压器内部进行回路拆分,拆分位置的联接结构比较特殊,需研发。

  • 联接变压器网侧绕组由单绕组改为分裂绕组。该方案的优点是当分裂绕组其中一个支路短路时,短路电流经过半穿越阻抗,半穿越阻抗比穿越阻抗大,可以起到限制短路电流的作用,缺点是结构比传统的双绕组型式复杂,改造成本也相对较高11



  • 上节提到的典型案例中联接变压器回路最大电流为6 124 A,网侧采用分裂绕组后,每个绕组对应回路最大电流为3 062 A,目前66~110 kV断路器最大载流为3 150 A,可以满足要求。

    需要注意的是,针对66 kV GIS设备,ABB和西门子均有成熟的产品。由于国内配电系统没有这一电压等级,国产厂家大多会用成熟的110 kV GIS设备代替66 kV GIS设备。110 kV GIS设备体积相对较大,会对海上换流站平台布置造成一定影响12

  • 传统海上换流站联接变压器大多选用三绕组变压器,站用电引自第三绕组,这样可以取消单独的站用变压器,减轻平台的尺寸和重量,具有较大的经济价值。

    集约式海上换流站联接变压器采用分裂绕组型式后,无法再为站用电提供电源,因此需配置专门的高压站用变。高压站用变数量为两台,互为备用,高压侧接入66 kV配电装置,低压侧接入站用10 kV配电系统。

  • 换流站各功能分区间工艺流程如图6所示13

    Figure 6.  Technological process of converter station

    集约式海上换流站交流进线选用66 kV GIS设备,相比传统海上换流站的220 kV GIS设备,66 kV GIS设备单间隔体积小,但是间隔数量多,从而造成设备房间高度降低,宽度变小,但是长度增加较多。

    传统海上换流站为了方便来自升压站的220 kV海缆进线,在有条件的情况下,GIS室一般布置在平台下端14。基于上文的分析,集约式海上换流站的66 kV GIS室若仍布置在下端,会影响同层其他设备房间的布置,因此推荐将66 kV GIS室布置在平台上端,考虑到房间高度降低,可以在GIS室上方布置站用电室等其他设备房间,通过错层实现紧凑化布置,减少平台尺寸15



    Figure 7.  Upper layout

    Figure 8.  Lower layout

  • 针对集约式海上换流站的主回路拓扑结构、电气设备关键技术和平台布置方案与常规海上换流站的差异展开研究,充分考虑建设可行性、经济性及运行可靠性、灵活性等要求,得出以下结论:

    1)主回路拓扑结构:通过对单母线、双母线和一个半断路器接线的对比分析,推荐66 kV配电装置选用单母线或双母线接线,同时为了抑制母线短路容量,提出了两种解决方案实现母线分列运行。


    3)66 kV GIS:通过对比设备制造水平与系统参数,提出设备选型要求以匹配联接变压器回路的通流需求。


    5)平台布置:针对66 kV GIS室和高压站用变室的特点,在传统海上换流站平台布置方案的基础上提出了适用于集约式海上换流站的典型布置方案。

    我国海上风电项目正逐渐由近海走向远海,远海风电的风资源决定了更大容量和更高电压等级的风机输出电能是最佳选择。因此,对应即将应用的8~10 MW大容量风机和66 kV集电系统,本文集约式海上换流站电气关键技术对指导后续大规模深远海海上风电送出项目实施具有重要意义。

Reference (15)



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