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Volume 8 Issue 4
Dec.  2021
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LI Zhongxin,SUN Xiaoxiong,LIU Donghua,et al.Practical Methods for Determining Soil Strength Parameters in Offshore Wind Power Geotechnical Investigation[J].Southern Energy Construction,2021,08(04):37-42. doi:  10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2021.04.006
Citation: LI Zhongxin,SUN Xiaoxiong,LIU Donghua,et al.Practical Methods for Determining Soil Strength Parameters in Offshore Wind Power Geotechnical Investigation[J].Southern Energy Construction,2021,08(04):37-42. doi:  10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2021.04.006

Practical Methods for Determining Soil Strength Parameters in Offshore Wind Power Geotechnical Investigation

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2021.04.006
  • Received Date: 2021-07-13
  • Rev Recd Date: 2021-09-03
  • Publish Date: 2021-12-25
  •   Introduction  In order to determine soil strength parameters more accurately and reliably, based on domestic and foreign engineering experience and research results, this paper proposes a practical method to obtain the undrained shear strength of clay and the friction angle of sand based on static cone pentration test (CPT) and standard penetration test (SPT) data.  Method  Firstly, it introduced the method of rapid stratification based on the four basic data of CPT, aiming to divide the sand layer and clay laye. Then the method of calculating the empirical coefficient Nkt of the undrained shear strength of clay based on the CPT parameters was introduced. Finally, a method of comprehensively considering CPT and standard penetration data and calculating the internal friction angle of sand based on empirical methods was introduced. [Rseult] According to the method of CPT parameter estimation, the obtained clay undrained shear strength is well compared with the laboratory test results which can obtain the clay undrained shear strength profile. The combined method of CPT and SPT can measure the friction angle of sand reliably, which fills the gaps of test data due to the difficulty in obtaining sand samples from offshore exploration.  Conclusion  The method discussed in this paper can provide more reliable reference for determining th design values of soil strength considering the existing condition in which offshore survey methods are limited and the equipment resources are relatively scarce.
  • [1] ROBERTSONP K. Soil classification using the cone penetration test [J]. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 1990, 27(1): 151-158.
    [2] ROBERTSONK R. Interpretation of cone penetration tests-a unified approach [J]. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 2009, 46(11): 1337-1355.
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    [4] LOW E H, LUNNET, ANDERSENH K, et al. Estimation of intact and remoulded undrained shear strengths from penetration tests in soft clays [J]. Géotechnique, 2010, 60 (11): 843-859.
    [5] KARLSRUDK, LUNNET, KORTD A, et al. CPTU correlations for clays [C]//ICSMGE. Proc. 16th ICSMGE, Osaka, Japan, 2005. Osaka: ICSMGE, 2005: 396-702.
    [6] WANGB, BROOKSG R, HUNTERJ A M. Geotechnical investigations of a large landslide site at Quyon [C]//Geology Survey of Canada. Proc. GeoQuébec, Québec, Canada, 2015. Québec: Geology Survey of Canada, 2015: 355.
    [7] POWELLJ J M, QUARTERMANR S T. The interpretation of cone penetration tests in clays with particular reference to rate effects [C]//Gregg Drilling & Testing Inc. Proc. 1 st Int. Symp. on Penetration Testing, Orlando, FL, USA, 1988. Orlando: Gregg Drilling & Testing Inc, 1988: 903-909.
    [8] MAYNEP W, PEUCHENJ. Cone penetration testing 2018 [M]. London: Taylor and Francis Group, 2018.
    [9] MAYNEP W. Interpretation of geotechnical parameters from seismic piezocone tests [C]//ISSMGE. Proc. 3rd International Symposium on CPT, Las Vegas, USA, 2014. Las Vegas: ISSMGE, 2014: 47-73.
    [10] SCHMERTMANNJ H. Static cone to compute static settlement over sand [J]. Journal of soil mechanics and foundations, 1970, 96(3): 1011-1043.
  • 通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
    • 1. 

      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Practical Methods for Determining Soil Strength Parameters in Offshore Wind Power Geotechnical Investigation

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2021.04.006

Abstract:   Introduction  In order to determine soil strength parameters more accurately and reliably, based on domestic and foreign engineering experience and research results, this paper proposes a practical method to obtain the undrained shear strength of clay and the friction angle of sand based on static cone pentration test (CPT) and standard penetration test (SPT) data.  Method  Firstly, it introduced the method of rapid stratification based on the four basic data of CPT, aiming to divide the sand layer and clay laye. Then the method of calculating the empirical coefficient Nkt of the undrained shear strength of clay based on the CPT parameters was introduced. Finally, a method of comprehensively considering CPT and standard penetration data and calculating the internal friction angle of sand based on empirical methods was introduced. [Rseult] According to the method of CPT parameter estimation, the obtained clay undrained shear strength is well compared with the laboratory test results which can obtain the clay undrained shear strength profile. The combined method of CPT and SPT can measure the friction angle of sand reliably, which fills the gaps of test data due to the difficulty in obtaining sand samples from offshore exploration.  Conclusion  The method discussed in this paper can provide more reliable reference for determining th design values of soil strength considering the existing condition in which offshore survey methods are limited and the equipment resources are relatively scarce.

LI Zhongxin,SUN Xiaoxiong,LIU Donghua,et al.Practical Methods for Determining Soil Strength Parameters in Offshore Wind Power Geotechnical Investigation[J].Southern Energy Construction,2021,08(04):37-42. doi:  10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2021.04.006
Citation: LI Zhongxin,SUN Xiaoxiong,LIU Donghua,et al.Practical Methods for Determining Soil Strength Parameters in Offshore Wind Power Geotechnical Investigation[J].Southern Energy Construction,2021,08(04):37-42. doi:  10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2021.04.006
  • OA:https://www.energychina.press/



  • 拟建某风电工程位于广东海域珠江下游入海口内陆架内,场址规划用海面积10.43 km2,水深值介于4.3~13.2 m。岩土勘察工作包括在每个机位进行钻孔取样、标贯测试。除此外,还选择35号机位和43号机位两处,每个机位进行两个CPT测试,共完成4个CPT测试。

  • 在实际项目实施过程中,不同生产商制造的CPT设备会记录不同的数据格式,通常需要相匹配的软件才能做进一步数据处理和数据解释,比如完成土的分类等工作。本文不再深究该如何使用CPT数据进行细致的岩土分层和分类,目前分类方法已经相当成熟,可详见ROBERSON 19901、ROBERSON 20092、ROBERSON 2010 3。本文着重介绍根据CPT最基本的数据锥尖阻力qc,侧壁摩擦力fs,孔隙水压力u2和摩阻比Rf来进行快速地土层划分。





    4)砂土的qc较高,在本项目中为10 MPa或者更高。


    需注意的是,根据以上几个原则划分的土层,并不代表该层土的设计参数需相同。比如同一层粘土中,可能出现强度分别为20 kPa和50 kPa,但是在上述四个指标参数中,无法得到明显区分。

  • 已经有许多学者提出采用CPT计算粘土不排水抗剪强度的方法。


    Su=qt-σv0Nkt ((1))


    qt ——修正CPT锥尖阻力(kPa),通常可直接从CPT设备中导出此数据;

    σv0 ——上覆压力(kPa);

    Nkt ——经验系数。


    qt=qc+u21-a ((2))


    qc ——CPT锥尖阻力(kPa);

    u2 ——探头水压力(kPa);

    a ——探头面积比,是探头出厂设计参数,对于某一型号探头为固定值,通常处在0.6~0.8。

    Nkt的取值并不固定,在不同的场地,场地中不同的地层中取值也会不同。因此Nkt的最终取值需配合其他的测试手段来确定,包括高质量的强度试验、现场十字板剪切试验等方法。不同的粘土通常会表现出不同的Nkt值。LOW et al.(2010)4通过研究3个陆地和11个海上场地的CPT粘土,通过与三轴试验结果对比后,提出Nkt取值在8.6~15.3,平均值为11.9。如果与三轴试验、单剪试验和三轴拉伸实验得到的强度平均值对比后,Nkt取值在10.6~17.4,这个范围相对更接近单剪试验的结果。如果与现场的十字板剪切试验结果做对比,Nkt取值在10.8~19.9,平均值为13.3。MAYNE et al. 2015在研究了17种不同强度的粘土后,得到的Nkt平均值为13.6。

    KARLSRUD et al.(2005)5测试了灵敏的挪威粘土,三轴试验结果对比显示Nkt取值范围相对更低,取值在7.5~11.5。WANG et al(2015)6测试了魁北克地区的十字板强度,结果对比显示Nkt取值为10.5。

    对于超固结的结构性粘土,POWELL & QUARTERMAN(1988)7提出Nkt取值在20至30之间的时候,才能与室内的三轴试验和现场平板结果取得较好的对照。

    MAYNE & PEUCHEN(2018)8对比407个粘土样品的三轴试验强度与CPT数据后,提出了一种通过CPT指标计算Nkt的方式。他们通过研究最终的Nkt取值和CPT孔压系数Bq的关系可以近似表示为:

    Nkt=10.5-4.6ln Bq+0.1Bq>-0.1 ((3))


    Figure 1.  The value of Nkt for GSK35 position

    Figure 2.  The value of Nkt for GSK43 position

    图1图2可以看到,CPT 35-1的Nkt取值大多落在15~20,20 m以下的部分粘土层混砂较多,Nkt取值波动范围较大,23~25 m范围内Nkt为10左右,27~29 m范围内取值为20~25,但代表性相对较差。CPT 35-2表层2 m范围内Nkt取值变化较大。2~5 m范围内Nkt取值为15~25,5~17 m范围内大段粘土的Nkt取值为10~15,23~25 m范围内Nkt为15~20,27~29 m范围内取值为15~25,但代表性相对较差。CPT 43-1粘土层Nkt取值基本落在12~16,除35~38 m范围内Nkt取值为15~20。CPT 43-2粘土层Nkt取值基本在15~20,局部深度Nkt降至25左右但很快升高至15~20的范围。


    Figure 3.  Undrained strength profile of clay at the GSK35 position

    Figure 4.  Undrained strength profile of clay at the GSK43 position


  • 通过以上对比我们可以看出:




  • CPT确定砂土内摩擦角的手段相对单一,应用成果相比CPT在粘土中的应用也较少。目前常见的根据CPT计算砂土有效摩擦角的常用公式是MAYNE(2014)9提出的:

    φ'=17.6°+11°log qt1 ((5))
    qt1=qt/σatmσvo'0.5 ((6))

    这里σatm是大气压,可取100 kPa。该式最初是根据CPT标定箱数据得到的,使用的是标准石英砂。MAYNE(2006,2009)用17个场地取得不扰动(冰冻)砂样进行三轴试验,测得了砂土样的摩擦角。试验结果显示上式也能够得到非常好的拟合效果。




    2)标贯设备本身成本低,市场供应大,而CPT本身设备成本相对标贯更高,特别是专门的孔下CPT(downhole CPT)成本更高,同时相对来讲,CPT的数据处理和解释需要更专业的岩土技术人员来进行。


    Figure 5.  Empirical method for estimating ϕ’ of a sand from standard penetration test ‘N’ values



    Figure 6.  Friction angle profile of GSK35 position

    Figure 7.  Friction angle profile of GSK43 position



    3)SCHMERTMANN10方法在标贯超过60锤或有效上覆压力超过300 kPa后对砂土摩擦角的准确程度无法保证,原因是当埋深超过一定深度,杆长自由段过长的时候,对于标贯锤击能量的修正无法准确估计,这也是标贯在海洋岩土勘察应用中备受争议的因素。

  • 通过以上列举的方法所得到的结果,可以总结出下列结论:






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