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Volume 8 Issue 4
Dec.  2021
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CAO Bo,HUANG Longxiang,LUO Yan.Research on Multiple Pipelines Pullback Force of Trenchless Horizontal Directional Drilling Crossing Project[J].Southern Energy Construction,2021,08(04):130-134. doi:  10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2021.04.017
Citation: CAO Bo,HUANG Longxiang,LUO Yan.Research on Multiple Pipelines Pullback Force of Trenchless Horizontal Directional Drilling Crossing Project[J].Southern Energy Construction,2021,08(04):130-134. doi:  10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2021.04.017

Research on Multiple Pipelines Pullback Force of Trenchless Horizontal Directional Drilling Crossing Project

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2021.04.017
  • Received Date: 2021-10-11
  • Rev Recd Date: 2021-11-01
  • Publish Date: 2021-12-25
  •   Introduction  Trenchless horizontal directional drilling is widely used in power cable line project to cross natural or artificial obstacles at present.Multiple cable protection tubes need to be laid successfully at one time in engineering applications. It is defined as multiple pipelines pulling crossing, and it is widely used because of it's excellent economic and environmental protection advantages. However, there is only the calculation method of single pipe pullback force of plastic pipe at present. This paper aims to study the calculation method of pullback force of multiple pipelines.  Method  This paper was based on a 220 kV cable line project in the Pearl River Delta. This project used horizontal directional drilling to cross the national first-class waterway for twice at the same place, and most of the crossing stratum was plastic clay layer. The calculation method of single pipe pullback force was used for analysis in the project, and the change curve of pull back force was measured on site during the implementation.  Result  The comparative analysis between theoretical calculation and measured results shows that: under the condition of plastic clay layer, the measured pullback force of multiple pipelines is 4~6 times that of single pipe with the same weight and envelope diameter. The straight-line pullback of pipelines is very important to reduce the pullback force and implementation risk.  Conclusion  In this paper, the concept of multiple pipelines pulling and the calculation reference value of pulling force in trenchless horizontal directional drilling crossing project can provide a reference for the crossing design and construction of similar projects in the future.
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  • 通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
    • 1. 

      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Research on Multiple Pipelines Pullback Force of Trenchless Horizontal Directional Drilling Crossing Project

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2021.04.017

Abstract:   Introduction  Trenchless horizontal directional drilling is widely used in power cable line project to cross natural or artificial obstacles at present.Multiple cable protection tubes need to be laid successfully at one time in engineering applications. It is defined as multiple pipelines pulling crossing, and it is widely used because of it's excellent economic and environmental protection advantages. However, there is only the calculation method of single pipe pullback force of plastic pipe at present. This paper aims to study the calculation method of pullback force of multiple pipelines.  Method  This paper was based on a 220 kV cable line project in the Pearl River Delta. This project used horizontal directional drilling to cross the national first-class waterway for twice at the same place, and most of the crossing stratum was plastic clay layer. The calculation method of single pipe pullback force was used for analysis in the project, and the change curve of pull back force was measured on site during the implementation.  Result  The comparative analysis between theoretical calculation and measured results shows that: under the condition of plastic clay layer, the measured pullback force of multiple pipelines is 4~6 times that of single pipe with the same weight and envelope diameter. The straight-line pullback of pipelines is very important to reduce the pullback force and implementation risk.  Conclusion  In this paper, the concept of multiple pipelines pulling and the calculation reference value of pulling force in trenchless horizontal directional drilling crossing project can provide a reference for the crossing design and construction of similar projects in the future.

CAO Bo,HUANG Longxiang,LUO Yan.Research on Multiple Pipelines Pullback Force of Trenchless Horizontal Directional Drilling Crossing Project[J].Southern Energy Construction,2021,08(04):130-134. doi:  10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2021.04.017
Citation: CAO Bo,HUANG Longxiang,LUO Yan.Research on Multiple Pipelines Pullback Force of Trenchless Horizontal Directional Drilling Crossing Project[J].Southern Energy Construction,2021,08(04):130-134. doi:  10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2021.04.017
  • OA:https://www.energychina.press/

    1964年,美国Martin研制出第一台水平定向钻机1,1985年,水平定向钻技术首次引入中国的管道穿越工程。自此后,水平定向钻技术应用越来越广泛2。非开挖水平定向钻技术应用于电力电缆线路工程中主要敷设改性聚丙烯电缆导管(MPP管)或者高密度聚乙烯管(HDPE管)。电缆工程中使用非开挖水平定向钻技术在穿越轨迹上一次成孔后,一回路三相电缆需要回拖7根甚至更多的MPP管,在工程实践过程中有大量的成功实例,本文定义为群管回拖。而目前针对管道回拖过程中的钢管回拖力估算主要依据《油气输送管道穿越工程设计规范》(GB 50423—2013)3、塑料管的回拖力计算主要依据《水平定向钻法管道穿越工程技术规程》(CECS 382—2014)4,两规范给出的均是单管回拖的回拖力估算方法。《城镇燃气管道穿跨越工程技术规程》(CJJ/T 250—2016)5提出穿越长度大于300 m时,宜采用钢管穿越,对以HDPE管为主的塑料管穿越长度进行了限制,但实际塑料管单管穿越工程应用中,一些工程水平定向钻采用塑料管穿越长度大于500 m以上且运行良好6


  • 在工程实践中,水平定向钻实施的理想状态是管道在成孔完好的施工孔洞的泥浆中回拖,管道回拖力为净浮力与施工孔洞孔壁产生的摩擦力。单管穿越时,在无水平方向弯曲的钻孔中,其典型轨迹由曲线段-直线段-曲线段组成,如图2所示。

    Figure 2.  Schematic diagram of typical borehole trajectory

    《水平定向钻法管道穿越工程技术规程》(CECS 382—2014)给出了该轨迹下单管回拖力的计算公式,如图2所示。



    TA ——A处管道所受回拖力(kN);

    TB ——B处管道所受回拖力(kN);

    TC ——C处管道所受回拖力(kN);

    TD ——D处管道所受回拖力(kN);

    L1 ——图中管段水平长度(m);

    L2 ——图中管段水平长度(m);

    L3 ——图中管段水平长度(m);

    L4 ——图中管段水平长度(m);

    fg ——塑料管道与地面之间的摩擦系数,可取0.5;

    fh ——塑料管道与孔壁之间的摩擦系数,可取0.3;

    wp ——单位长度管道重力(kN/m);

    wf ——单位长度管道所受净浮力(kN/m);

    α ——入土角(rad);

    β ——出土角(rad)。



  • 珠三角某220 kV电缆线路工程,穿越国家一级航道采用非开挖水平定向钻法敷设MPP管方式穿越,穿越路径长度393 m,深度29 m,需要实施Ⅰ、Ⅱ两个电缆通道,每个通道敷设4根Φ355×30+5根Φ110×10MPP管,每个通道具体敷设断面如图3

    Figure 3.  Cross section of laying pipeline

    根据MPP管《非开挖用改性聚丙烯塑料电缆导管》(DL/T 802.7—2010)关于管材抗拉强度的规定,MPP管的管材抗拉强度为25 MPa,熔接位置抗拉强度为22.5 MPa,本工程所有管材抗拉强度设计值如表1

    D355×30689.16 kN43.110 MN
    D110×1070.65 kN5

    Table 1.  Design value of tensile strength of pipe

    该工程穿越的主要地层为人工回填层、流塑的淤泥层,可塑的黏土层,饱和的粗砂层。西岸有地基处理的素混凝土桩需要避让,所以穿越深度达到了29 m,水平穿越段主要在可塑黏土层(层厚约6 m)中穿越,穿越地质情况良好,管道摆放位于西岸的A位置,回拖钻机位于东岸D位置,扩孔完成后,电缆保护群管从A向D点回拖,纵断面图及地质条件见图4

    Figure 4.  Longitudinal section of trenchless horizontal directional drilling of the project

    按本文上述章节及《水平定向钻法管道穿越工程技术规程》(CECS 382—2014)给出的计算方法,按4根Φ355×30+5根Φ110×10MPP管回拖力计算结果如表2,其中最大回拖力出现在C位置,计算得最大回拖力TC为503.27 kN,按规范要求管材抗拉强度满足2的安全系数,经过计算本工程所选管材的抗拉强度安全系数为6.18。


    Table 2.  Calculation results of pullback force

    本工程实施过程中,采用江苏徐工XZ3000钻机,最大推拉力3 MN。采用九级扩孔到1 200 mm施工孔洞,回拖管道前连续两次24 h洗孔。在实施过程中,对工程实施过程中两条通道回拖力进行实时监测。取得完整实测数据且与规范计算值对比如图5

    Figure 5.  Measured curve of pullback force

    水平定向钻路径长度为393 m,考虑到管材前端钻杆连接,实际监测回拖力钻杆44条,纵曲线长度大约420 m。

    根据上图的实测数据,I通道最大回拖力为2.9 MN,Ⅱ通道的最大回拖力为2 MN。本工程最先实施I通道,因为在该施工场地施工无施工经验,施工场地准备不足,在地面上熔接好的420 m管材摆放出现了90°转弯等问题,导致实施了3天4夜全部管道才回拖成功,回拖力较大。

    Ⅱ通道为本工程实施的最后一个通道,前期已经积累了Ⅰ通道的施工经验,并对施工过程进行了大量的优化,进行了地面交通道路占用及疏导,临时占用了部分实现在地面上熔接好的420 m管材全部直线摆放,最终经过6个小时施工,所有管道全部回拖完毕,实施过程非常理想。两通道管材摆放方式对比如图6

    Figure 6.  Comparison of pipe placement methods

    通过实测结果与规范计算结果进行对比,在群管回拖过程中,实测结果均明显大于计算结果。在理想状态下,Ⅱ通道回拖力大约为计算结果的4倍,在非理想状态下,I通道回拖力达到了计算结果的6倍,已经接近管材抗拉强度设计值,实施过程风险非常大,所以对于水平距离超过400 m的群管穿越工程,需要仔细核算回拖力的安全系数。




    Figure 7.  Schematic diagram of multiple pipelines envelope circle


    3)水平定向钻施工中,熔接好的大长度管材摆放场地严重制约实施的可行性,Ⅰ、Ⅲ通道实施时,熔接好的420 m管材是90°转弯摆放,实施起来非常艰难。Ⅱ通道熔接好的管材采用直线摆放,各方面实施条件最好。


  • 通过本文的研究,得出以下结论:

    1)《水平定向钻法管道穿越工程技术规程》(CECS 382—2014)塑料管加拖力计算方法不考虑管径、钻杆、管材前面的回扩头、连接装置、塌孔现象等因素。但工程实际实施过程中,群管因为表面积约为同重量同包络圆表面积的2.3倍,且实施过程中容易出现扭转、错动、局部发生塌孔。导致群管回拖过程中摩擦力远远大于同重量的包络圆单管。本文工程实例中实测回拖力为规范计算回拖力值的4~6倍。

    2)对于MPP或者HDPE管等塑料管,群管回拖力的大小直接影响工程实施的可行性,本工程实测回拖力已经接近管材抗拉强度设计值。因此平面路径长度超过400 m的穿越工程,需要仔细核算回拖力的安全系数。



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