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REN Hao,MA Zhaorong,LI Cong,et al.Research on Stability Control of Offshore Wind Power Multi Jacket Foundation During Wet Towing[J].Southern Energy Construction,2021,08(增刊1):65-69. doi:  10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2021.S1.010
Citation: REN Hao,MA Zhaorong,LI Cong,et al.Research on Stability Control of Offshore Wind Power Multi Jacket Foundation During Wet Towing[J].Southern Energy Construction,2021,08(增刊1):65-69. doi:  10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2021.S1.010

Research on Stability Control of Offshore Wind Power Multi Jacket Foundation During Wet Towing

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2021.S1.010
  • Received Date: 2020-12-30
  • Rev Recd Date: 2021-04-20
  • Publish Date: 2021-07-30
  •   Introduction  In order to explore the reasonable wet towing method of three tube jacket foundation and study its self-floating wet-towing floating characteristics,  Method  the numerical simulation software Moses was used to analyze the static stability and dynamic response of soild-floating body and air-floating body in towing for a certain offshore wind turbine three-bucket jacket foundation in this paper. The differences of static stability and towing characteristics between soild-floating body and air-floating body of three bucket foundation for offshore wind turbine under the influence of the same environmental load were clarified.  Result  The results show that the static stability of air-floating structure is better than that of solid-floating structure, but the motion response amplitude of solid-floating body is lower than that of air-floating structure.  Conclusion  We demonstrate the feasibility of the method and it provides some guidance for further application.
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  • 通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
    • 1. 

      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Research on Stability Control of Offshore Wind Power Multi Jacket Foundation During Wet Towing

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2021.S1.010

Abstract:   Introduction  In order to explore the reasonable wet towing method of three tube jacket foundation and study its self-floating wet-towing floating characteristics,  Method  the numerical simulation software Moses was used to analyze the static stability and dynamic response of soild-floating body and air-floating body in towing for a certain offshore wind turbine three-bucket jacket foundation in this paper. The differences of static stability and towing characteristics between soild-floating body and air-floating body of three bucket foundation for offshore wind turbine under the influence of the same environmental load were clarified.  Result  The results show that the static stability of air-floating structure is better than that of solid-floating structure, but the motion response amplitude of solid-floating body is lower than that of air-floating structure.  Conclusion  We demonstrate the feasibility of the method and it provides some guidance for further application.

REN Hao,MA Zhaorong,LI Cong,et al.Research on Stability Control of Offshore Wind Power Multi Jacket Foundation During Wet Towing[J].Southern Energy Construction,2021,08(增刊1):65-69. doi:  10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2021.S1.010
Citation: REN Hao,MA Zhaorong,LI Cong,et al.Research on Stability Control of Offshore Wind Power Multi Jacket Foundation During Wet Towing[J].Southern Energy Construction,2021,08(增刊1):65-69. doi:  10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2021.S1.010
  • OA:https://www.energychina.press/


    2095-8676 © 2021 Energy China GEDI. Publishing services by Energy Observer Magazine Co., Ltd. on behalf of Energy China GEDI. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/).


  • 通过数值模拟软件Moses建立三筒导管架基础模型,分别考虑实浮体及气浮体两种方案,对处在静水及拖航过程中的三筒导管架基础进行稳性性分析。在模型中将拖缆绳一端与基础相接,另一端固定,通过在海域中施加一个与拖航方向相反的流速来模拟基础的拖航过程9


    Figure 2.  Numerical models

    Figure 2.  Numerical models

    12.6612.660.14筒底以上24 m1 535.7

    Table 1.  Model size

  • 三筒导管架基础在波浪中运动可看做具有6个自由度的刚体运动,可通过运动分量ζ=(x,y,z,rx,ry,rz)表示,分别代表结构的纵荡、横荡、垂荡、横摇、纵摇、艏摇的运动。三筒导管架基础运动响应方程可以通过刚体运动方程满足下式:

    -ω2(M+a)-iω(B+b)+(K+C)ξ=fex ((1))


  • 根据水面起伏的初始情况与波动场的初始速度分布情况,初始条件满足下式:

    η(x,y,t)t=0=η(x,y) ((2))
    Φ(x,y,z,t)t=0=g(x,y,z) ((3))


  • JONSWAP谱是1968年英国、美国、荷兰、德国联合发起的“北海波浪计划”(Joint North Sea Wave Project),开展为期1年的海浪观察统计工作,这是迄今为止最系统的一次海浪观测工作,提出适用于风程被限定的JONSWAP谱11,表达式如下:

    S(ω)=αg2ω-5exp-54ωmω4γexp-ω-ωm22σ2ωm2 ((4))


  • 分别对相同条件下的实浮结构及气浮结构进行静稳性分析。利用Moses分析三筒导管架基础的回复力臂、RAO(response amplitude operator)进行对比分析。


    Figure 3.  Recovery arm

    图4中可以看出,对实浮结构,在周期为7 s时的垂荡响应达到峰值,垂荡幅值达到1.1 m;气浮结构同样在在周期为7 s时的垂荡响应最大,垂荡幅值达到1.3 m。根据图5,三筒导管架基础运输模型的纵摇响应曲线有明显的峰值,实浮结构及气浮结构分别在12.2 s、12.5 s达到纵摇幅值,实浮体幅值为8.0°,气浮体为7.9°。

    Figure 4.  Heave amplitude

    Figure 5.  Pitch amplitude

  • 将相同条件下三筒导管架基础实浮结构和气浮结构在的浮运性态进行对比,波高为1 m,波浪周期为10 s,顺浪拖航,拖缆力为40 t。

    图6图7可以看出,模型重心点处的拖航速度随波浪周期而振荡,实浮体重心点拖航速度峰值为1.85 m/s,而气浮体重心点拖航速度峰值为1.93 m/s。法兰面的纵向速度,实浮体略小于气浮体,实浮体为2.84 m/s,气浮体为2.98 m/s。

    Figure 6.  Towing speed of center of gravity

    Figure 7.  Longitudinal velocity of flange face

    图8图9可以发现,实浮体与气浮体法兰面垂荡运动相近,其最大垂荡速度分别为0.71 m/s及0.64 m/s,垂荡加速度峰值均为0.53 m/s2

    Figure 8.  Heave velocity of flange face

    Figure 9.  Heave acceleration of flange face

    图10图11可以看出,在浮运过程中,气浮体的法兰面纵摇角与纵摇加速度明显大于实浮体,气浮体法兰面纵摇角为3.82°,纵摇角加速度为0.82 m/s2,实浮体法兰面纵摇角为2.84°,纵摇角加速度为0.63 m/s2

    Figure 10.  Pitch angle of flange face

    Figure 11.  Pitch acceleration of flange



    Table 2.  Comparison of motion response amplitudes of solid and air-floating bodies at different drafts

  • 本文基于海上风电三筒导管架基础,采用数值模型软件MOSES进行了浮运分析,考虑了相同条件下实浮结构及气浮结构的静稳性及浮运特性,结果表明:



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