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Mar.  2022
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LIU Xinhua.Research on Underwater Topography Monitoring of Offshore Wind Turbine Foundation Based on Multi-Beam Data[J].Southern Energy Construction,2022,09(01):64-70. doi:  10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2022.01.010
Citation: LIU Xinhua.Research on Underwater Topography Monitoring of Offshore Wind Turbine Foundation Based on Multi-Beam Data[J].Southern Energy Construction,2022,09(01):64-70. doi:  10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2022.01.010

Research on Underwater Topography Monitoring of Offshore Wind Turbine Foundation Based on Multi-Beam Data

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2022.01.010
  • Received Date: 2021-03-29
  • Rev Recd Date: 2021-05-07
  • Publish Date: 2022-03-25
  •   Introduction  In order to ensure the safety of operation of offshore wind turbine, it is necessary to grasp the change of topography around the offshore wind turbine foundation.  Method  The multi-beam sounding system was used to monitor the terrain around the wind turbine for 6 times, and the high-precision and high-density underwater terrain point cloud data were obtained. Through the data processing and analysis of the point cloud data, the high-precision underwater terrain digital elevation model (DEM) was constructed. Through the superposition analysis of the DEM, the quantity of erosion in different periods was calculated. Finally, the change of terrain in different periods was displayed by 3D model, and the causes of erosion were analyzed.  Result  The most direct reason for the terrain change around the wind turbine is that when a strong typhoon passes through the sea area of the wind farm, the seabed and the local area of the wind turbine usually undergo a large overall change; The combined action of tidal current and waves is another important cause of local erosion and siltation of the seabed topography in this area.  Conclusion  The multi-beam sounding system is effective in monitoring the underwater topography, which can provide important data support for the safe operation and maintenance of offshore wind power. The practice of the project has a good reference significance for carrying out underwater topography monitoring of similar projects.
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  • 通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
    • 1. 

      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Research on Underwater Topography Monitoring of Offshore Wind Turbine Foundation Based on Multi-Beam Data

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2022.01.010

Abstract:   Introduction  In order to ensure the safety of operation of offshore wind turbine, it is necessary to grasp the change of topography around the offshore wind turbine foundation.  Method  The multi-beam sounding system was used to monitor the terrain around the wind turbine for 6 times, and the high-precision and high-density underwater terrain point cloud data were obtained. Through the data processing and analysis of the point cloud data, the high-precision underwater terrain digital elevation model (DEM) was constructed. Through the superposition analysis of the DEM, the quantity of erosion in different periods was calculated. Finally, the change of terrain in different periods was displayed by 3D model, and the causes of erosion were analyzed.  Result  The most direct reason for the terrain change around the wind turbine is that when a strong typhoon passes through the sea area of the wind farm, the seabed and the local area of the wind turbine usually undergo a large overall change; The combined action of tidal current and waves is another important cause of local erosion and siltation of the seabed topography in this area.  Conclusion  The multi-beam sounding system is effective in monitoring the underwater topography, which can provide important data support for the safe operation and maintenance of offshore wind power. The practice of the project has a good reference significance for carrying out underwater topography monitoring of similar projects.

LIU Xinhua.Research on Underwater Topography Monitoring of Offshore Wind Turbine Foundation Based on Multi-Beam Data[J].Southern Energy Construction,2022,09(01):64-70. doi:  10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2022.01.010
Citation: LIU Xinhua.Research on Underwater Topography Monitoring of Offshore Wind Turbine Foundation Based on Multi-Beam Data[J].Southern Energy Construction,2022,09(01):64-70. doi:  10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2022.01.010
  • 随着国际社会对保障能源安全、保护生态环境、应对气候变化等问题日益重视,加快开发利用可再生能源已成为世界各国的普遍共识和一致行动1。对于广东省而言,在可再生能源中,海上风能资源是最具规模开发潜力的。《广东省海上风电发展规划》2中提出“在2020年实现海上风电力争建设投产12 GW以上”,同时对海上风电场址布局和项目建设进行了规划,“计划建设海上风电场共23个,装机容量66.85 GW”。


    传统的水下地形监测主要采用水下地形测量与固定断面测量相结合的方法。水下地形测量主要采用水面移动平台搭载单波束的方法进行测量,获取不同时期的水下地形数据。虽然单波束在一定程度上解决了水下地形测量问题,但测量效率和精度有较大的局限性,尤其是对微地形的表达方面已无法满足当今的需求。而多波束测深系统具有高精度、高分辨率、全覆盖、高效率等特点,正日益受到广大海洋测量部门和海道测量部门的重视3。国内外许多学者对多波束进行了深入研究,取得了一批显著的成果。饶光勇等4研究了多波束测深系统在堤围险段水下地形变化监测中的应用;刘权等5研究了多波束系统在水下基坑测量中的应用。同时,基于载体的不同,近几年机载和星载测深系统方面也有不少研究。王鑫等6对机载激光LiDAR技术测深进行了研究,该技术主要应用在水深5 m以内的浅水地区,大部分处于实验阶段,实际应用较少。何亮等7采用多波束联合水下机器人对水下地形进监测,虽然作业效率、精度较高,但是操作难度大,成本高,稳定性较差。


  • 广东某海上风电8#风机位于南海海域,中心概略位置:北纬20.425°,东经110.489°,测量范围风机中心500 m × 500 m,面积约0.3 km2。场址中心离岸距离约15 km,水深4~10 m。所在区域海底地貌属于水下浅滩、水下岸坡地貌单位,有部分沙洲,表层底质以粉砂、细沙为主。

    周边海域的气象条件:平均风速为3.0 m/s;年平均气温为24.5 ℃;海水温度最高值为30.86 ℃,最低海水温度值为28.71 ℃;潮汐为不正规半日混合潮;潮流为不规则全日潮,表现为明显的往复流特征,实测最大流速1.50 m/s。


  • 为了分析区域海床稳定性,收集了近十年来附近海域4条断面数据,断面位置图如图1所示。通过分析5条断面处水深的变化判断区域海床的稳定性。

    Figure 1.  Section Location Plan


    Figure 2.  Depth change chart of section position

    Figure 2.  Depth change chart of section position

    Figure 2.  Depth change chart of section position

    Figure 2.  Depth change chart of section position

    Figure 2.  Depth change chart of section position


  • 为了完成此次风机位的水下地形监测任务,本项目采用多波束测深系统、PosMV定姿定位系统、声速剖面仪等设备进行外业的数据采集。所有设备在作业前都通过了设备鉴定,状态稳定,运行状况良好。






    第一次 (L1)2019年04月21日
    第二次 (L2)2020年04月20日
    第三次 (L3)2020年05月29日
    第四次 (L4)2020年08月08日
    第五次 (L5)2020年09月27日
    第六次 (L6)2020年11月02日

    Table 1.  Field data collection schedule

  • 多波束数据处理采用CARIS HIPS软件,在处理前,检查各传感器的偏移量、系统校准参数等相关数据的准确性8。具体操作流程:创建新项目,建立船型文件;声速文件及潮位文件的编辑;数据进行潮位改正、声速改正;编辑水深数据;生成水深曲面;输出数据文件。

    将ASCII文件格式的文件转换成1 m网格尺寸的DEM数据。根据水深值的不同对DEM数据用不同的颜色进行分层次赋色,采用水下地形渲染图的方式来表现水下地形信息9。在统一的坐标系(WGS84)和高程基准中构建的不同时期水下数字地形DEM模型如图3所示。

    Figure 3.  DEM models of underwater terrain in different periods

    Figure 3.  DEM models of underwater terrain in different periods

    Figure 3.  DEM models of underwater terrain in different periods

    Figure 3.  DEM models of underwater terrain in different periods

    Figure 3.  DEM models of underwater terrain in different periods

    Figure 3.  DEM models of underwater terrain in different periods

    从不同时期的水下地形DEM模型可以看出,风机基础中心往西约60 m处有一条南北走向的海底斜坡。随着时间的推移,其位置发生了明显变化,逐步往西移动,最大位移量约90 m,同时对斜坡位置高程进行了比较,最大变化约4.5 m,风机基础周边的地形出现较严重的淤积现象,这可能对风机基础的安全有一定的影响。

  • 应用不同时期的DEM模型进行区域体积计算,通过不同模型的叠加运算,计算两者的差异,从而判断所在区域冲淤变化情况10-11。对6次测量的成果进行叠加运算,其结果如表2所示。不同时期DEM叠加运算后的冲淤渲染效果如图4所示。同时对位于风机西面南北走向的海底斜坡进行了分析,其在不同时期的位置如图5所示。

    L2-L193 925.922淤积
    L3-L268 083.057淤积
    L4-L351 169.581淤积
    L5-L427 137.899淤积
    L6-L510 769.210淤积
    L6-L1251 085.699淤积

    Table 2.  Statistical of DEM superposition calculation results in different periods

    Figure 4.  Effect of erosion and siltation after DEM superposition operation in different periods

    Figure 4.  Effect of erosion and siltation after DEM superposition operation in different periods

    Figure 4.  Effect of erosion and siltation after DEM superposition operation in different periods

    Figure 4.  Effect of erosion and siltation after DEM superposition operation in different periods

    Figure 5.  Seabed slope location map of different periods

    通过表2可以看出,从第一次测量到第六次测量这期间,淤积量达251 085.699 m3,可见本区域内淤积程度还是比较严重。从不同时期的冲淤渲染效果图和不同时期海底斜坡位置图可以看出,第二次测量与第一次测量期间,在一年的时间内该区域有严重的淤积情况,个别位置淤积厚度达4.6 m,海底斜坡位移最大量达62 m;第三次测量到第六次测量期间,淤积量有所减少,海底斜坡位置偏移变化较小,说明整个区域内的冲淤情况较稳定,但还是有少量的泥沙不断堆积,这对风机基础的稳定会造成一定的影响,应引起风机运维单位的足够重视。

  • 通过对以上资料分析,可以看出风机附近海域局部淤积现象比较严重。局部受到风浪作用,冲刷侵蚀现象比较明显,特别是在台风浪时期会导致海床泥沙剧烈冲刷搬运,使地形短时期内产生较大变化。2019年4月至2020年4月之间影响工程海域的2场台风过程如图6所示,可知1907号“韦帕”台风路径正好经过工程海域,综合分析认为8#风机西侧的大范围淤积很可能与这次台风经过有关。

    Figure 6.  The Track of typhoon Wipha (No.1907)


    Uc=hD0.1417.6ρS-ρρD+6.05×10-710+hD0.720.5 ((1))


    Uc ——起动流速(m/s);

    h ——水深(m);

    D ——泥沙中值粒径(m);

    ρs ——泥沙密度(kg/m3);

    ρ ——水体的密度(kg/m3)。

    运用泥沙起动公式计算,工程附近0.1~0.3 mm粒径的泥沙起动流速为在0.20~0.45 m/s。由此可以得知,在一般天气条件下,工程区附近海床泥沙就能起动,然后在潮流的往复作用下产生泥沙输移对海床变化产生影响13。同时工程区附近海域属于波浪动力作用较强的海域,在风浪和潮流共同的作用下,海底泥沙物质将沿岸进行运移,导致出现局部的冲刷和淤积。

  • 为获取高精度的水下地形DEM模型数据,本文采用了多波束测深系统对风机基础周边地形进行了6次监测,通过对高精度的DEM模型进行叠加运算,计算了不同时期的冲刷量,分析了冲刷的原因。本文研究表明:




Reference (13)



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