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Volume 10 Issue 3
May  2023
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ZHAO Zhenli, WANG Gang. Hydrogen Energy Development Strategy of America and Europe and Its Enlightenment to China[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2023, 10(3): 97-103. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2023.03.010
Citation: ZHAO Zhenli, WANG Gang. Hydrogen Energy Development Strategy of America and Europe and Its Enlightenment to China[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2023, 10(3): 97-103. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2023.03.010

Hydrogen Energy Development Strategy of America and Europe and Its Enlightenment to China

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2023.03.010
  • Received Date: 2023-04-10
  • Rev Recd Date: 2023-04-19
  • Available Online: 2023-04-28
  • Publish Date: 2023-05-10
  •   Introduction  Hydrogen energy plays an important role in the construction of a new energy system due to its extensive sources, convenient storage and transportation, and efficient utilization. This paper systematically analyzes the development strategies of the hydrogen energy industry in the United States and European Union, and combines with the actual development of Chinese industry, and gives specific policy suggestions for the development of the hydrogen energy industry.   Method  The successful experience of hydrogen industry development in the United States and Europe was summarized by combing and analyzing the relevant policies, strategic planning and typical practices of hydrogen energy development in the two major economies.   Result  Based on the current development status of the hydrogen energy industry in our country, this paper puts forward a number of targeted policy recommendations, including strengthening the top-level design to further improve the hydrogen energy industry development policy system; strengthening the guidance of scientific and technological innovation, and attaching importance to the innovation and breakthrough of core technologies in key links of hydrogen energy; expanding the diversified application of hydrogen energy and building a collaborative ecology; attaching importance to international cooperation and taking an active part in the formulation of international rules and standards.   Conclusion  The policy recommendations mentioned in the article can provide reference for relevant departments and industries, so as to further improve the development quality and speed of the hydrogen energy industry.
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  • 通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
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      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Hydrogen Energy Development Strategy of America and Europe and Its Enlightenment to China

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2023.03.010

Abstract:   Introduction  Hydrogen energy plays an important role in the construction of a new energy system due to its extensive sources, convenient storage and transportation, and efficient utilization. This paper systematically analyzes the development strategies of the hydrogen energy industry in the United States and European Union, and combines with the actual development of Chinese industry, and gives specific policy suggestions for the development of the hydrogen energy industry.   Method  The successful experience of hydrogen industry development in the United States and Europe was summarized by combing and analyzing the relevant policies, strategic planning and typical practices of hydrogen energy development in the two major economies.   Result  Based on the current development status of the hydrogen energy industry in our country, this paper puts forward a number of targeted policy recommendations, including strengthening the top-level design to further improve the hydrogen energy industry development policy system; strengthening the guidance of scientific and technological innovation, and attaching importance to the innovation and breakthrough of core technologies in key links of hydrogen energy; expanding the diversified application of hydrogen energy and building a collaborative ecology; attaching importance to international cooperation and taking an active part in the formulation of international rules and standards.   Conclusion  The policy recommendations mentioned in the article can provide reference for relevant departments and industries, so as to further improve the development quality and speed of the hydrogen energy industry.

ZHAO Zhenli, WANG Gang. Hydrogen Energy Development Strategy of America and Europe and Its Enlightenment to China[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2023, 10(3): 97-103. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2023.03.010
Citation: ZHAO Zhenli, WANG Gang. Hydrogen Energy Development Strategy of America and Europe and Its Enlightenment to China[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2023, 10(3): 97-103. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2023.03.010
    • 为应对日益严重的气候变化,2015年12月12日,在巴黎召开的缔约方会议第二十一届会议通过了《巴黎协定》,承诺将全球平均气温较工业化前水平升高控制在2 ℃之内,且升温控制在1.5 ℃之内[1]。为实现这一目标,以绿色、低碳、可持续的新能源取代传统化石能源,构建低碳可持续的能源系统成为全球共识[2-4]。氢能具有绿色低碳、来源丰富、能量密度高等优势[5],打破了现有单一能源转换模式,即将煤电等传统能源转换为可再生能源等清洁能源,被视为21世纪最具有发展潜力的清洁能源[6-8]


      Figure 1.  China's hydrogen energy output and year-on-year growth in 2012-2022 (Source: China National Coal Association, www.askci.com)


    • 美国氢技术的历史可以追溯到1969年。美国是全球最早生产和使用氢能的国家之一,也是最早将氢能纳入能源战略的国家之一[19-20]。20世纪90年代以来,美国颁布多项促进氢能发展政策和行动计划,推动氢能产业化进程[21]。总结来看,美国氢能政策有如下特征:





      Figure 2.  Short-term, medium-term and long-term action plans of clean hydrogen energy strategy and roadmap for the United States






    • 欧洲氢能产业发展较早,并将氢能视为实现低碳发展的抓手之一[22-23]。欧盟致力于探索氢能的综合应用,构建规模化绿氢供应体系,以实现脱碳为主。2018年欧盟通过《欧盟2050长期战略愿景》,表示为发展绿色经济,将快速大规模部署绿氢,并提出到2050年将提升氢能在能源结构中的占比达到13%[24]。《欧洲绿色协议》中明确将发展氢能作为关键有限事项,并指出欧盟将加强国际合作,通过外交途径有力倡导氢能发展。


      交通 燃料电动汽车 1200辆 370万辆
      燃料电池商务车 不足300辆 50万辆
      燃料电池卡车及燃料电池公交车 2辆重卡,
      燃料电池列车 2辆 570辆
      供热 处于示范阶段 替代7%的天然气供热;到2040年比例达到32%
      供电 完成3000台燃料电池共生系统 到2040年,规模超250万台
      注:数据来源为《全球能源发展报告 2020》及公开资料整理。

      Table 1.  EU transportation field and development goal of hydrogen energy for heating and power supply




    • 近年来,我国逐渐加快氢能产业发展,出台多项规划,从国家层面明确氢能产业链各环节的发展目标,为我国发展氢能指明方向[27]。“十四五”规划纲要中将氢能和储能列为六大未来产业之一,随后密集出台多项支持政策,从氢能试验推广到产业化全面发展[28-30]。2022年,《氢能产业发展中长期规划(2021-2035年)》《2022年能源工作指导意见》《“十四五”可再生能源发展规划》等多项政策发布,从氢能技术研发、“制氢-储氢-输氢-加氢-用氢”全产业链多个环节,系统规划了氢能发展重点。但是,与发达经济体相比,我国氢能产业发展还面临研发创新资源不足,关键技术依赖严重等问题,需要从顶层设计出发,多角度、全方面提升我国氢能产业的国际竞争力。为此,提出以下建议:





Reference (30)



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