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Volume 10 Issue 6
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LI Xiaolong, HONG Xiaofei, CHEN Yuqing. Hydrogen-Blended Combustion Technology in Gas Turbine[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2023, 10(6): 14-25. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2023.06.002
Citation: LI Xiaolong, HONG Xiaofei, CHEN Yuqing. Hydrogen-Blended Combustion Technology in Gas Turbine[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2023, 10(6): 14-25. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2023.06.002

Hydrogen-Blended Combustion Technology in Gas Turbine

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2023.06.002
  • Received Date: 2023-04-23
  • Rev Recd Date: 2023-07-28
  • Available Online: 2023-12-26
  • Publish Date: 2023-11-10
  •   Introduction  As the country has set ambitious targets in carbon peaking and carbon neutrality for the energy sector, there is a growing demand for technology improvements of low-carbon emission for power station gas turbines. It is urgent to explore the path of the key technology for this goal in China. The lean premixed combustion technology of gas turbine can make the air volume for combustion deviate from the theoretical air volume, which is the main technology to reduce NOx emission at present. At the same time, by mixing hydrogen in natural gas when combusting, it can effectively reduce the consumption of fossil energy and reduce carbon emissions.   Method  In this paper, a one-dimensional premixed free propagation flame model was established by Chemkin-Pro software, and the effects of different equivalent ratios, initial temperatures, initial pressures, and hydrogen-blended ratios on combustion temperatures, combustion rates, pollutant generation concentration, combustion free radicals, and chain reactions were compared. The temperature distribution, fuel component change and emission characteristics of combustion process were simulated.   Result  It is found that by mixing hydrogen in natural gas when combusting, fossil energy consumption and carbon emissions can be effectively reduced. However, the higher flame temperature brought by the lean premixed combustion of natural gas mixed with hydrogen will promote the generation of NOx, and at the same time, more CO will be produced at a lower equivalent ratio.   Conclusion  Based on the above research, the key data of hydrogen-blended combustion are obtained, which lays a foundation for the completion of hydrogen-blended combustion technology route.
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  • 通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
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      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Hydrogen-Blended Combustion Technology in Gas Turbine

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2023.06.002

Abstract:   Introduction  As the country has set ambitious targets in carbon peaking and carbon neutrality for the energy sector, there is a growing demand for technology improvements of low-carbon emission for power station gas turbines. It is urgent to explore the path of the key technology for this goal in China. The lean premixed combustion technology of gas turbine can make the air volume for combustion deviate from the theoretical air volume, which is the main technology to reduce NOx emission at present. At the same time, by mixing hydrogen in natural gas when combusting, it can effectively reduce the consumption of fossil energy and reduce carbon emissions.   Method  In this paper, a one-dimensional premixed free propagation flame model was established by Chemkin-Pro software, and the effects of different equivalent ratios, initial temperatures, initial pressures, and hydrogen-blended ratios on combustion temperatures, combustion rates, pollutant generation concentration, combustion free radicals, and chain reactions were compared. The temperature distribution, fuel component change and emission characteristics of combustion process were simulated.   Result  It is found that by mixing hydrogen in natural gas when combusting, fossil energy consumption and carbon emissions can be effectively reduced. However, the higher flame temperature brought by the lean premixed combustion of natural gas mixed with hydrogen will promote the generation of NOx, and at the same time, more CO will be produced at a lower equivalent ratio.   Conclusion  Based on the above research, the key data of hydrogen-blended combustion are obtained, which lays a foundation for the completion of hydrogen-blended combustion technology route.

LI Xiaolong, HONG Xiaofei, CHEN Yuqing. Hydrogen-Blended Combustion Technology in Gas Turbine[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2023, 10(6): 14-25. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2023.06.002
Citation: LI Xiaolong, HONG Xiaofei, CHEN Yuqing. Hydrogen-Blended Combustion Technology in Gas Turbine[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2023, 10(6): 14-25. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2023.06.002
  • 在全球温室气体的诸多来源中,电力尤其是发电行业无疑是温室气体排放的主要来源。由此,发电行业被普遍认为是降低二氧化碳排放的重点行业之一。一场脱碳引发的变革正在电力行业中如火如荼地进行。电网电源每千瓦时的碳强度[1]图1所示。然而,在未来的几十年,发电行业的主要能源来源仍将依赖于传统的化石能源燃料和以碳氢化合物燃料为主的生物能源。根据伍德麦肯兹公司的预测:即使到2040年,通过燃烧化石燃料的方式获取的能源数量仍占世界能源总需求量的85%。到目前为止,总装机量约1 TW的风电以及太阳能仅占世界总发电量的8%左右。同时,考虑到发展中国家经济增长和人口膨胀的情况,电力总需求量上升,而发展中国家必然会选择较便宜及更稳定的化石燃料作为首选能源,这抵消了可再生能源的增加幅度。随着化石燃料的短缺和《巴黎协定》等严格排放法规的颁布,减少污染物气体排放,提高电厂的发电效率,已经成为燃烧领域越来越多学者的主要研究方向[2]

    Figure 1.  Carbon intensity of grid power supply per kWh[1]



    Figure 2.  The technology route of hydrogen production[6]


    Figure 3.  Schematic of micro-mixing gas combustion with hydrogen added[7]


    Figure 4.  Modified Wobbe index for all known gaseous fuels[8]

    燃气轮机低污染燃烧技术实现的主要途径是通过降低火焰温度以达到减小NOx生成的目的,降低火焰温度的方法又可以分成2类:第一种是将燃料和稀释剂分别喷入燃烧区的扩散燃烧(以下简称“扩散燃烧”);第二种是将空气与燃料先按一定比例混合后再进入燃烧区的预混燃烧,其原理图分别如图5图6所示。由于扩散燃烧技术具有工作稳定、燃料调节策略简单等优势,早期的燃气轮机一直采用扩散燃烧方式来控制NOx的排放。但是,随着国家排放标准的提高,为了使NOx排放降到50 mg/Nm3以下,需要向燃烧室内注入与燃料体积流量相当的稀释剂。这样做无疑增加了发电设备以及系统的复杂性,抬高了发电设备的造价,还严重影响了发电机组的效率。

    Figure 5.  Diffusive combustion[9]

    Figure 6.  Premixed combustion[9]



    Figure 7.  Simplified schematic diagram of NOx formation mechanism[10]

    Figure 8.  Emissions of NOx and CO during lean combustion of methane and hydrogen-rich syngas[8]

    • 层流燃烧速度是燃烧火焰的基本特性之一,是紊流燃烧的基础。层流预混燃烧与排放特性的研究可为湍流预混火焰的研究提供理论数据。本文采用了Chemkin Pro中的Premix Code的一维层流预混式自由传播火焰模型,原理示意图如图9所示。

      Figure 9.  Schematic diagram of laminar premixed flame

      计算过程中,混合气体流量的初值保持在0.04 g/(cm2·s)。计算域的距离为0~1 cm。网格细化标准设置为GRAD = 0.1, curv = 0.2。最终得到的网格总数约为150个,自适应网格为50个。迭代过程中的相对误差和绝对误差分别设为10−4和10−9,当初始温度升高到T = 723 K,固定温度设置1 000 K。对流项采用逆风差分法离散,采用平均法来计算混合物扩散系数。此外,Soret效应被考虑在所有的计算条件当中[11]

    • 为了在前人研究成果的基础上得到最精确的层流预混燃烧模型,选取了3种被广泛接受和使用的化学反应机理[12-14]。GRI-mech 3.0用于预测天然气的燃烧化学性质,还考虑了与丙烷和NOx化学有关的反应,共考虑53种物质和325种基元反应;USC-Mech II是一种广泛用于预测H2/CO/C1-C4燃烧化学的反应机理。该机制包括111种反应和784种基元反应;San Diego Mechanism用于模拟多达C4火焰的燃烧化学,考虑了57个组分和268个基本反应。

      图10图13,进行了掺氢比例分别为0,20%,50%,100%,采用以上3个化学动力学机理对层流燃烧速度模拟计算。为了验证所选化学动力学模型的准确性,将3种机制计算的层流燃烧速度(Laminar Burning Velocity,LBV)值与相关文献的值进行了比较[15-25]

      Figure 10.  Laminar combustion velocity curve when hydrogen doping ratio is 0

      Figure 11.  Laminar combustion velocity curve when hydrogen doping ratio is 20%

      Figure 12.  Laminar combustion velocity curve when hydrogen doping ratio is 50%

      Figure 13.  Laminar combustion velocity curve when hydrogen doping ratio is 100%

      图10图12可以看出,从GRI Mech 3.0得到的层流燃烧速度与USC Mech 2.0和San Diego的结果相比,GRI Mech 3.0与实验值的一致性更好,特别是当量比大于0.9时。USC Mech 2.0和San Diego的预测结果与贫燃料实验值(φ<1)基本一致,对于化学计量学和富燃料条件(φ>1),计算值远低于实验值。对于掺氢燃料,GRI Mech 3.0和San Diego机制在整个当量比范围内对层流燃烧速度都有很好的预测。此外,GRI Mech 3.0是3种机制中唯一包含NO生成反应的机制,在接下来的模拟中选择GRI Mech 3.0。

    • 图14图16显示了不同初始温度(T = 298 K和T = 723 K)下LBV、NO和CO排放的变化,与T = 298 K相比,T = 723 K[26]时LBV、NO和CO排放要高得多。根据Arrhenius方程可知,反应的速率与反应的温度呈指数关系。可燃混合物初始温度的升高可以极大地促进反应速率,导致层流燃烧速度的增加。燃烧过程中NO的形成主要通过热途径,其他途径不太重要。随着初始温度的升高,热路线反应增强,促进NO排放的形成。此外,CO2在高温下的解离反应导致CO产量的增加。因此,初始温度越高,LBV越高,NOx和CO排放也越高。同时,可以看出,在相同的初设温度下,LBV随着掺氢比例的增加而增大,NOx排放随着掺氢比例的增加而增大,CO排放随着掺氢比例的增加而减小。

      Figure 14.  Effect on convective combustion velocity with different initial temperature

      Figure 15.  Effect on NOx emission with different initial temperature

      Figure 16.  Effect on CO emission with different initial temperature

    • 图17图19为不同初始压力(P = 1.0 atm和P = 16.5 atm)下LBV、NO和CO的变化。压力的增加导致LBV和CO的降低,但促进NO的形成。随着压力的增加,LBV的降低是由于三体重组反应的增强。从本质上讲,分子碰撞的平均自由程度会随着物质的压力增大而减小,这反过来又增加了分子的碰撞频率,导致三体重组反应增强。初始压力的增加,增加了燃烧的反应速率,从而导致CO产量的减少。燃烧后区域NO的生成主要由热路主导。随着初始压力的增加,热路线反应增强,促进总NO的生成。因此,初始压力对LBV、NOx排放、CO排放的作用是不同的。同时,可以看出,在相同的初设压力下,LBV随着掺氢比例的增加而增大。NOx排放随着掺氢比例的增加而增大,但压力越高,这种作用越不明显。CO排放随着掺氢比例的增加而减小。

      Figure 17.  Effect on convective combustion velocity with different pressure

      Figure 18.  Effect on NOx emission with different pressure

      Figure 19.  Effect on CO emission with different pressure

    • 绝热火焰温度(Adiabatic Flame Temperature,AFT)是气体在绝热条件下燃烧时的最高温度。AFT随当量比(0.6 ~ 1.4)的变化如图20所示。AFT在当量比处于(0.6~1.05)时增加,在φ = 1.05左右达到峰值,然后随着当量比的增加开始下降。当φ>1时,燃烧产物的比热值下降速度快于放热速率。虽然放热不如φ= 1的情况,机组释放的热量可以提高更多的温度。因此,绝热火焰温度最高出现在φ = 1.05附近。氢的加入使绝热火焰温度略有升高。当${X_{{{\rm{H}}_2}}} $从0增加到100%时,混合物绝热火焰温度峰值提高了7.3%。此外,Arrhenius公式的反应速率系数具有较强的温度依赖性。因此,氢的加入加速了反应速率,导致AFT增加。

      Figure 20.  Adiabatic flame temperature curve

      LBV是表征火焰反应活性的重要指标之一。图21显示了LBV随φ (0.6~1.4)的变化情况。可以看出,随着φ的增加,LBV先增大后减小。当${X_{{{\rm{H}}_2}}} $从0增加到100%时,甲烷氢混合物的LBV在φ>1时从37.6 cm/s增加到229.2 cm/s。

      Figure 21.  Laminar combustion rate curve


    • 自由基(H、O和OH)的研究有助于理解化学反应动力学和整个燃烧过程。图22图27分别显示了在当量比为0.6和0.8时,加氢对H、O、OH摩尔分数的影响。氢的加入不仅使这三种自由基的摩尔分数增加,而且使这三种自由基的形成更早。此外,当φ从0.6增加到0.8时,H、O和OH的形成显著增加。无论当量比或氢掺杂程度如何,达到峰值后H和O自由基的摩尔分数都比OH自由基的摩尔分数下降快得多。

      Figure 22.  Effect on H radical with hydrogen blending (φ=0.6)

      Figure 23.  Effect on H radical with hydrogen blending (φ=0.8)

      Figure 24.  Effect on O radical with hydrogen blending (φ=0.6)

      Figure 25.  Effect on O radical with hydrogen blending (φ=0.8)

      Figure 26.  Effect on OH radical with hydrogen blending (φ=0.6)

      Figure 27.  Effect on OH radical with hydrogen blending (φ=0.8)



    • 图28图29研究了加氢对甲烷-氢气燃烧火焰温度的影响。当${X_{{{\rm{H}}_2}}} $从0升高到100%时,混合物的反应活性增强,火焰温度升高。此外,${X_{{{\rm{H}}_2}}} $的增加(0% ~ 100%)增强了火焰前缘区域的温度梯度。快速温升区域为0.05~0.15 cm,这也是H、O、OH自由基摩尔分数快速增加的区域,说明氢对火焰温度梯度的影响与H、O、OH自由基摩尔分数的影响是一致的。综上所述,提高当量比(0.6 ~ 0.8)可以促进甲烷-氢混合物的燃烧速率,导致φ = 0.8的火焰温度高于φ = 0.6。同时可以看出,提高掺氢的比例,火焰温度也会增加。

      Figure 28.  Effect on distribution of temperature with hydrogen blending (φ=0.6)

      Figure 29.  Effect on distribution of temperature with hydrogen blending (φ=0.8)

    • 由H、O和OH引发的支链反应和链生长反应在化学反应中起着最重要的作用。图30图35显示了加氢(${X_{{{\rm{H}}_2}}} $> = 0%、40%、80%、100%)对H、O、OH自由基生成率的影响。可以看出形成H、O和OH的主要反应有:

      Figure 30.  Effect on production rate of H radical with hydrogen blending (φ=0.6)

      Figure 31.  Effect on production rate of H radical with hydrogen blending (φ=0.8)

      Figure 32.  Effect on production rate of O radical with hydrogen blending (φ=0.6)

      Figure 33.  Effect on production rate of O radical with hydrogen blending (φ=0.8)

      Figure 34.  Effect on production rate of OH radical with hydrogen blending (φ=0.6)

      Figure 35.  Effect on production rate of OH radical with hydrogen blending (φ=0.8)

      $$ \mathrm{H}+\mathrm{O}_2=\mathrm{O}+\mathrm{OH} \qquad\qquad\qquad \mathrm{R} 38 $$
      $$ \mathrm{OH}+\mathrm{H}_2=\mathrm{H}+\mathrm{H}_2 \mathrm{O} \qquad\qquad\quad{\rm{R}}84$$

      从图中分析可得燃烧过程的主要反应区域位于自由基浓度峰值发生的位置。随着氢含量(${X_{{{\rm{H}}_2}}} $ = 0%、40%、80%、100%)和等效比(0.6 ~ 0.8)的增加,自由基生成率显著增加。此外,随着氢的加入,H、O和OH生成速率的峰位向上移动。${X_{{{\rm{H}}_2}}} $的增加可以加速(R84)的反应,产生更多的H自由基,从而进一步促进(R38)的反应。

    • 燃气轮机的贫预混燃烧技术能使燃烧偏离理论空气量,是目前降低NOx排放主要技术,通过在天然气中掺混氢气燃烧,能够有效降低化石能源的消耗以及降低碳排放量。但天然气掺氢的贫预混燃烧所带来的较高的火焰温度反而会促进NOx的生成,同时,在较低的当量比下将会产生更多的CO。


      1)层流燃烧速度(LBV)与绝热火焰温度(AFT)有很大的相关性,除纯氢燃料外,LBV和AFT随当量比φ先增大后减小。它们在大约φ = 1.05处达到峰值。在相同当量比下,随着${X_{{{\rm{H}}_2}}} $的增加,LBV和AFT逐渐增大。

      2)随着${X_{{{\rm{H}}_2}}} $(0% ~ 100%)和φ(0.6 ~ 0.8)的增加,H、O和OH自由基的摩尔分数和生成率都有所增加。形成H、O和OH自由基的主要反应是H + O2 = O + OH和 OH + H2 = H + H2O。此外,氢的加入促进了火焰温度的升高,也增强了火焰区域的温度梯度。

      3) 降低当量比(从1.2到0.6)可以显著降低 NO 排放。添加氢气可以提高燃料稀薄条件下的燃烧稳定性。可以为燃气轮机掺氢贫预混燃烧提供一定的理论经验。

Reference (26)



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