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Volume 10 Issue 6
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CAI Gengxin. Analysis and Suggestions on Hydraulic Calculation of Regional Natural Gas Pipelines Under Different Working Conditions[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2023, 10(6): 132-137. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2023.06.015
Citation: CAI Gengxin. Analysis and Suggestions on Hydraulic Calculation of Regional Natural Gas Pipelines Under Different Working Conditions[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2023, 10(6): 132-137. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2023.06.015

Analysis and Suggestions on Hydraulic Calculation of Regional Natural Gas Pipelines Under Different Working Conditions

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2023.06.015
  • Received Date: 2023-06-30
  • Rev Recd Date: 2023-09-07
  • Available Online: 2023-12-26
  • Publish Date: 2023-11-10
  •   Introduction  Pipeline hydraulic calculation is an important component of the natural gas transmission and distribution system. Applying this theory allows for the analysis of relationships between the pipeline diameter, the flow velocity, the pressure drop, and the gas density. It plays a crucial role throughout the entire lifecycle of natural gas pipeline construction and operation. Pipeline hydraulic calculation has an important impact on the design optimization and operation scheduling of pipeline transmission and distribution. This article aims to simulate and analyze the hydraulic calculation of a long-distance natural gas main pipeline in a certain region to provide reference data for practical works such as the construction and operation optimization of the main pipeline in that region.  Method  In the existing regional pipeline network, the PIPELINE STUDIO software model was used to calculate and simulate the operation status of the main pipeline in the region under different working conditions. The focus was on extreme working conditions, such as "peak demand in summer " and "supply guarantee in winter", aiming to identify potential issues in pipeline operation and analyze the main gas transmission bottlenecks.  Result  The research has shown that whether the working condition is of "peak demand in summer" or " supply guarantee in winter", the current pipeline system in the region has gas transmission bottlenecks, and it is necessary to optimize and adjust the pipeline operation scheduling, the gas flow direction, and the hydraulic pressure to further maximize the gas transmission capacity of the regional pipeline network.  Conclusion  By analyzing the gas transmission capacity under different extreme working conditions, it is possible to propose plans in optimized operations, interconnections, and technological improvements, which can eliminate pipeline bottlenecks, ensure the safe and efficient operation of regional pipeline networks, and meet the changing gas consumption requirements of market users.
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    YANG H, ZHANG L. Application of PIPELINE STUDIO to simulation and analysis of pipe network [J]. Natural gas exploration and development, 2015, 38(3): 91-93. DOI:  10.3969/j.issn.1673-3177.2015.03.021.
    [7] 刘燕宁. 关于长输天然气管道水力计算的分析 [J]. 化工管理, 2018(18): 107. DOI:  10.3969/j.issn.1008-4800.2018.18.083.

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  • 通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
    • 1. 

      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Analysis and Suggestions on Hydraulic Calculation of Regional Natural Gas Pipelines Under Different Working Conditions

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2023.06.015

Abstract:   Introduction  Pipeline hydraulic calculation is an important component of the natural gas transmission and distribution system. Applying this theory allows for the analysis of relationships between the pipeline diameter, the flow velocity, the pressure drop, and the gas density. It plays a crucial role throughout the entire lifecycle of natural gas pipeline construction and operation. Pipeline hydraulic calculation has an important impact on the design optimization and operation scheduling of pipeline transmission and distribution. This article aims to simulate and analyze the hydraulic calculation of a long-distance natural gas main pipeline in a certain region to provide reference data for practical works such as the construction and operation optimization of the main pipeline in that region.  Method  In the existing regional pipeline network, the PIPELINE STUDIO software model was used to calculate and simulate the operation status of the main pipeline in the region under different working conditions. The focus was on extreme working conditions, such as "peak demand in summer " and "supply guarantee in winter", aiming to identify potential issues in pipeline operation and analyze the main gas transmission bottlenecks.  Result  The research has shown that whether the working condition is of "peak demand in summer" or " supply guarantee in winter", the current pipeline system in the region has gas transmission bottlenecks, and it is necessary to optimize and adjust the pipeline operation scheduling, the gas flow direction, and the hydraulic pressure to further maximize the gas transmission capacity of the regional pipeline network.  Conclusion  By analyzing the gas transmission capacity under different extreme working conditions, it is possible to propose plans in optimized operations, interconnections, and technological improvements, which can eliminate pipeline bottlenecks, ensure the safe and efficient operation of regional pipeline networks, and meet the changing gas consumption requirements of market users.

CAI Gengxin. Analysis and Suggestions on Hydraulic Calculation of Regional Natural Gas Pipelines Under Different Working Conditions[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2023, 10(6): 132-137. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2023.06.015
Citation: CAI Gengxin. Analysis and Suggestions on Hydraulic Calculation of Regional Natural Gas Pipelines Under Different Working Conditions[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2023, 10(6): 132-137. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2023.06.015
    • 天然气是世界能源发展的重要趋势,也是国民经济稳定、健康发展的重要动能。本世纪初世界天然气在一次能源中占比都是24%,而中国还不到3%[1]。随着国家石油天然气管网集团有限公司(简称国家管网集团)的成立,天然气市场向着上游资源多主体多渠道供应、中间统一管网高效集输、下游销售市场充分竞争的“X+1+X”市场体系加速推进[2]。随着新能源和天然气机组在电力能源系统的装机比例不断增长,天然气系统对含大规模新能源电力系统的短期运行影响需要深入地研究[3]。但是,当前省级管网融入进程缓慢,部分区域管网仍分属多个不同主体运营,中间统一管网高效集输尚未完全实现。


      本文介绍了Z区域管网在天然气发展利用中发生的工况变化,采用Pipeline Studio软件模拟Z管网水力测算,同时模拟了“迎峰度夏”和“冬季保供”2种极限工况,并对不同工况下的管输瓶颈进行了分析,提出了管网建设和运行的改进建议,充分利用已敷设的管网实现管输能力最大化。

    • I历史阶段是Z区域管网初始建成时期,主要发生在2006—2010年期间,该时期的输气模型示意图如图1所示。该阶段主要建立在气源1和气源2、3的投产基础上,在气源2、3投产前,供气模式全部来自于气源1,这种输气任务虽然大,但是由于单气源单点供气,而且全线不存在复杂分输,输送距离仅仅覆盖A、C区域,因此供气模式和水力水压相对简单。随着气源2、3的投产和管线的建成,该区域形成了“第一环网”的雏形,在B区域的供气模式中便出现了气流方向“南上”或“北下”的可选项。由于气源2的接入气量多,所以B区域的气流大部分是自南向北输送。

      Figure 1.  Schematic diagram of the gas transmission model in Phase I of the pipeline network in Z Area

    • II历史阶段是Z区域管网规模发展扩大时期,主要发生在2011—2017年期间,该时期的输气模型示意图如图2所示。该阶段主要依托气源4和气源5的接入,逐步建设投产“第二环网”,与“第一环网”共同组成了内外环网雏形。此时,在B区域实现了内外环网的联通,但是在A区域的末端管道尚未与D区域的末端连接。因此,在D、F区域的输气流向主要是自北向南输气,在E区域的供气模式中气流方向既可以“南上”也可以“北下”。在该阶段,随着气源的增加和管道的环网,管道输气流向逐步复杂化,但是由于在用气负荷区域尚未形成极其复杂的用气工况,即使在不进行调度优化运行的情况下,管输能力仍足够满足下游市场需求。

      Figure 2.  Schematic diagram of the gas transmission model in Phase II of the pipeline network in Z Area

    • III历史阶段是Z区域管网的成型时期,主要发生在2018年至今期间,该时期的输气模型示意图如图3所示。该阶段主要依托区域管网的东部、南部新增气源6、气源7的接入,进一步形成互联互通、多气源供应的供气格局。新增气源6、7的接入,使得D区域原来自北向南的气流转变为自南向北的气流a。气流b自东向西输入、气流c自南向北输入,两路气流气头在D区域汇合,导致气流b和气流c相互影响制约,影响气源送出能力。在气源6加大送出能力时,气源7将被迫减少气流C的送出气量,转向增加气流d的送出气量。未来,随着该区域管网东西部的新增气源接入,整个区域输气模型将更加复杂,亟需对区域水力水压开展平衡测算,以满足新增用户尤其是电厂用户的用气需求。

      Figure 3.  Schematic diagram of the gas transmission model in Phase III of the pipeline network in Z Area

    • Pipeline Studio是目前在天然气管网模拟中应用非常广泛的一种管道模拟软件,是天然气能源工业中常用的管网模拟器之一,得到广泛的实践验证。主要应用于天然气管网公司的输气调度方案准备、比选和优化,以及关键工艺设备的运行分析[6]

    • 通过上述区域管网发展里程分析可知,Z区域管网现状实际结构复杂,本次仿真模型是以该区域第三阶段的供气模式为基础建立的(如图3所示)。通过PipelineStudio5.0软件建立管网仿真模型时,可以进行简化处理,管网简化为气源点、管线和用气点3部分。




    • 1)气源点及用气点参数设置




      ④温度参数设置:各气源点天然气的初始温度设为20 ℃,且本次仿真计算中不考虑管道与土壤之间的换热。






      ②选择摩阻系数公式:本次仿真选用Colebrook公式。在水力摩阻系数公式的运用过程中,应当根据实际情况,合理选择计算公式 ,才能得到最为准确的结果[8]



    • 使用Pipeline Studio 5.0软件的TGNET模块建立输气管网模型,在工艺流程设计界面中,按照当前区域管网结构初步建立输气管网仿真模型。

    • 建立能源投入的基础支持数据库,利用区域间投入产出表,构建区域间能源投入产出模型[10]。仿真模型建立了天然气的日输入气量和不同区域管段的输入气量,模拟输出不同天然气用户分配的管输气量、最高及最低边界压力,通过边界压力是否满足用户需求,判断是否需要对输入和调度进行调整,如表1表2所示:

      一次气源 日气量/(104 m3·d−1
      合计 输向DEF管网 输向AC管网 输向B管道
      气源1 4481(≤8.9 MPa) 4271 210
      气源2 2177(8.9 MPa) 2200
      (7.08 MPa)
      气源4 2526(8.85 MPa)
      气源3 300(7.0 MPa) 300
      气源5 2000(7.02 MPa) 2000
      气源6 1594(≤9.0 MPa) 1594
      气源7 3241 2700
      (6.98 MPa)
      (8.9 MPa)
      合计 16319 8494 4812 3013

      Table 1.  Simulation boundary condition settings and simulation parameter values

      用户负荷区 高负荷
      (104 m3·d−1
      (104 m3·d−1
      AC区域 6430 4812 8.9 4.5 4.8
      B区域 3090 3013 8.7 4.48 4.5
      DEF区域 10563 8494 8.7 5.5 4.5
      合计 20083 16319

      Table 2.  Output results under simulation boundary conditions

      表1表2可知,从供需上看,在迎峰度夏的工况情况下,Z区域管网的市场需求量大于资源输入量,高负荷全时,该区域总用气需求量约20083万方/d,但是总输入气量仅16319万方/d,缺口达3764万方/d。从运行压力上看,如果在气源7支援气流方向d下,AC区域的气量可以得到弥补,但是由于在A区域的大量提气,导致C区域的电厂压力不足,往往无法满足C区域4.8 MPa的边界压力要求。若B区域管道沿线电厂同时用气高峰,仅输送气源2、3、4难以满足B区域末端电厂压力需求(≥4.5 MPa),需从气源1转供部分资源至B区域才能保证供气压力。DEF区域虽然在压力上暂不存在输气瓶颈,可以满足沿线电厂的高峰用气,但当新增电厂如果要求压力不低于5.8 MPa时,需要调整气源5、7的接入气量和运行压力。

    • 根据区域管网实际运行中的资源市场数据,同时结合输气能力参考边界条件,设置仿真模型的边界条件参数和模拟参数值,见表3表4

      一次气源 日气量/(104m3·d−1
      合计 输向DEF管网 输向AC管网 输向B管道
      气源1 4166(≤8.9 MPa) 4166
      气源2 1520(8.5 MPa) 2700(8.4 MPa) 1346
      气源4 2526(8.53 MPa)
      气源3 0
      气源5 2400(7.02 MPa) 2400
      气源6 1420(≤9.0 MPa) 1420
      气源7 3634(≤8.9 MPa) 3100(7.91 MPa) 534(8.9 MPa)
      合计 15666 9620 4700 1346

      Table 3.  Simulation boundary condition settings and simulation parameter values

      用户负荷区 高负荷
      (104 m3·d−1
      (104 m3·d−1
      AC区域 4700 4700 8.9 4.2 4.8
      B区域 1346 1346 8.7 7.2 4.5
      DEF区域 5124 9620 8.7 6 4.5
      合计 11170 15666

      Table 4.  Output results under simulation boundary conditions

      表3表4可知,从供需上看,在冬季保供的工况情况下,Z区域管网的市场需求量小于资源输入量。该区域总用气需求量约11 170万方/d,但是总输入气量达15 666万方/d,仍有余量4 496万方/d,可实现向区域外供气。从运行压力上看,如果气源7气流全部北上,C区域的电厂压力不足问题依然存在,往往无法满足C区域4.8 MPa的边界压力要求。但是B区域管道沿线压力足够,能够保证供气平稳。DEF区域在供气量和压力上暂不存在输气瓶颈,每天仍有4 496万方气可以支援区域外。但是DEF区域,如果在输送区域外气量增加的情况下,将面对气源6、7在D区域相互制约的问题,该问题需要重新调整优化6、7的出气能力。

    • 逐步建立区域内不同管道主体之间气量互换的商业模式,统一代输合同,规范交易流程,将气量置换交易流程化,为用户跨管网输气创造切实可行的条件。目前该区域管网输气瓶颈主要集中在AC区,结合现状分析结果,要从气源上缓解输气瓶颈,必须调整气源1和其他气源共同供气的区域,增大从其他气源侧下载量,以外环管网的气源输入量保障内环用气。对B区域的末端输气瓶颈,从气源上缓解输气瓶颈,是通过气源1向B区域转供天然气,再由外环气源补充气源1的缺口,以实现内环用气安全。

    • 进一步构建并完善布局合理、灵活高效、安全可靠的现代天然气管网系统,加快区域内互联互通工程,建议从外环E区域向内环B区域末端建设一条互联互通管道,解决B区域末端压力不足问题;从外环D区域向内环C区域建设一条互联互通管道,解决C区域末端气量不足、压力不够问题。同时,对已有管道联通点还存在不能双向输气的情况,应要求各管道主体加快设施改造,物理上具备双向联通输气的条件。

    • 该区域管道运营压力均有所不同,外环管网运行压力低于内环管网运行压力,由外环管道无法向内环管道输送天然气,所以外环管道与内环管道之间要形成统一的调度运行机制或协调机制。避免出现互联互通分输站的设计为双向输气,但在实际运行中也只能是单向输气,即“互联不互通”,甚至造成跨管道的天然气输送存在局限性。建议完善区域管道调度运行机制,气源1在A区域降低管道压力,由外环气源进入A区域供气,达到供气压力相一致,同时,在新增的互联互通管道建成后,通过调度机制优化BC区域运行压力。

      Z区域管网做上述改进调整之后,可以达到迎峰度夏和冬季保供两种极限工况下的水力平衡,使Z 管网逐步实现输气效率最大化。

Reference (10)



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