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Volume 10 Issue 6
Dec.  2023
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LI Xingyi, WU Wei, ZHAO Zhiyao. Power-Line Extraction Method for UAV Point Cloud Based on Region Growing Algorithm[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2023, 10(6): 138-145. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2023.06.016
Citation: LI Xingyi, WU Wei, ZHAO Zhiyao. Power-Line Extraction Method for UAV Point Cloud Based on Region Growing Algorithm[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2023, 10(6): 138-145. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2023.06.016

Power-Line Extraction Method for UAV Point Cloud Based on Region Growing Algorithm

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2023.06.016
  • Received Date: 2022-10-28
  • Rev Recd Date: 2022-12-05
  • Available Online: 2023-12-26
  • Publish Date: 2023-11-10
  •   Introduction  Since the power line has the characteristics of long transmission distance and a complex spatial environment, the UAV LiDAR point cloud technology can completely and efficiently obtain the geometric information of the power line and its surrounding spatial objects, and the existing supervised extraction and unsupervised extraction methods are deficient in point cloud data extraction in a large range of complex environments, according to the spatial environment characteristics of the main network and distribution network line point cloud data, a rapid extraction method of point cloud power line is proposed based on projection line characteristics and region growing algorithm.   Method  Firstly, in view of the characteristics that the overhead lines of the main network were usually higher than the surrounding spatial objects, the power lines were roughly extracted by the elevation histogram threshold method. Then, considering the characteristics that the vegetation canopy was higher than the distribution network line in the distribution network area, the KNN data points of the roughly extracted power line point cloud were obtained, and the point cloud was projected on the horizontal plane, and whether the point cloud was a power line point cloud was judged by the linear measurement of the point cloud.   Result  According to the existence of missing power line point clouds, all the power line point cloud clusters are obtained through a region growing mode, and on this basis, the catenary formula of each power line point cloud cluster is calculated through the catenary formula, and the point cloud with a fitting distance less than the threshold is merged as the same power line point cloud.   Conclusion  The proposed method aims at the problem of rapid power line extraction in inspection applications and overcomes the problem of power line point cloud missing and vegetation impact in the process of power line extraction, so this method can achieve power line point cloud extraction with high efficiency and accuracy.
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  • 通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
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      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Power-Line Extraction Method for UAV Point Cloud Based on Region Growing Algorithm

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2023.06.016

Abstract:   Introduction  Since the power line has the characteristics of long transmission distance and a complex spatial environment, the UAV LiDAR point cloud technology can completely and efficiently obtain the geometric information of the power line and its surrounding spatial objects, and the existing supervised extraction and unsupervised extraction methods are deficient in point cloud data extraction in a large range of complex environments, according to the spatial environment characteristics of the main network and distribution network line point cloud data, a rapid extraction method of point cloud power line is proposed based on projection line characteristics and region growing algorithm.   Method  Firstly, in view of the characteristics that the overhead lines of the main network were usually higher than the surrounding spatial objects, the power lines were roughly extracted by the elevation histogram threshold method. Then, considering the characteristics that the vegetation canopy was higher than the distribution network line in the distribution network area, the KNN data points of the roughly extracted power line point cloud were obtained, and the point cloud was projected on the horizontal plane, and whether the point cloud was a power line point cloud was judged by the linear measurement of the point cloud.   Result  According to the existence of missing power line point clouds, all the power line point cloud clusters are obtained through a region growing mode, and on this basis, the catenary formula of each power line point cloud cluster is calculated through the catenary formula, and the point cloud with a fitting distance less than the threshold is merged as the same power line point cloud.   Conclusion  The proposed method aims at the problem of rapid power line extraction in inspection applications and overcomes the problem of power line point cloud missing and vegetation impact in the process of power line extraction, so this method can achieve power line point cloud extraction with high efficiency and accuracy.

LI Xingyi, WU Wei, ZHAO Zhiyao. Power-Line Extraction Method for UAV Point Cloud Based on Region Growing Algorithm[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2023, 10(6): 138-145. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2023.06.016
Citation: LI Xingyi, WU Wei, ZHAO Zhiyao. Power-Line Extraction Method for UAV Point Cloud Based on Region Growing Algorithm[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2023, 10(6): 138-145. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2023.06.016
    • 稳定和充足的电力供应是保障国家经济的高效发展的基石。高电压和长距离的输电线路规模不断增大,截至2020年底,10 kV及以上输电线路杆路长度为537.39万km,其中架空线路和电缆线路长度分别为437.08万km、100.06万km[1]。受到成本和环境的限制,线路走廊通常位于山区或旷野,远离交通便利的城镇。虽然常态化电力线巡检是保障庞大电网能够安全稳定运行的关键,但是传统的人工巡检面临工作强度大,工作环境危险,巡检盲区多和观测存在随机误差等问题[2]。因此,如何借助新技术减少人员来提升巡检效率和观测结果的准确性成为国内外学者和产业界亟需解决的问题。






    • 在点云处理过程中点云数据中会存在少量噪声点,而噪声点的存在对点云数据的分析和处理结果往往存在较大的影响,因此在点云数据处理过程中首先需要对点云进行去噪以消除噪点对于点云数据的影响提高点云分析结果的准确性。


      算法过程为:给定$ d $维空间$ {R}_{d} $的$ n $个样本点,$ i=\mathrm{1,2},3\cdots $,在空间中任选一点$ X $,那么Mean-Shift定义为:

      $$ {M}_{h}=\frac{1}{K}\sum _{{X}_{i}\in {S}_{k}}\left({x}_{i}-x\right) $$ (1)
      $$ S\left(X\right)=\left\{x:{\left(x-{x}_{i}\right)}^{T}\left(x-{x}_{i}\right) < {h}^{2}\right\} $$ (2)


      $ S\left(X\right) $ ——一个半径为$ h $的高维球;

      $ x $ ——球中的点的集合。


    • 由于杆塔具有相对固定和容易识别的几何结构,且杆塔高度与电力线高度相似,两者点云有部分重叠,因此针对点云中的杆塔先进行剔除操作是保证电力线提取准确性的基础。

      由于野外的架空线路的杆塔的塔基周边存在大量的植被,因此本文采用通过分段提取塔顶与塔基的电力杆塔点云提取方法[23],该方法利用杆塔点云的线性特征对点云数据进行提取,具有较高的准确度。具体提取方法为:首先根据点云构建地面拟合平面并提取塔顶点云,其次在此基础上对点云进行分块操作,然后假设每一块中所包含的点云数据为$ P=\{{P}_{1},{P}_{2},{P}_{3}\cdots {P}_{n}\} $,对分块后的点云进行PCA变换如式(3)、式(4)所示:

      $$ \Sigma =\left[\begin{array}{ccc}{\rm{cov}}(x,x)& {\rm{cov}}(x,y)& {\rm{cov}}(x,z)\\ {\rm{cov}}(y,x)& {\rm{cov}}(y,y)& {\rm{cov}}(y,z)\\ {\rm{cov}}(z,x)& {\rm{cov}}(z,y)& {\rm{cov}}(z,z)\end{array}\right] $$ (3)
      $$ E={\rm{Eign}}\left(\Sigma \right) $$ (4)


    • 导线点云会明显高于周围地物点云,因此选取合适的高程直方图阈值范围能够从直方图中看到地物点云与导线点云的明显分界线[12],由此确定高程阈值,最后通过高程阈值将导线点云分割出来,点云高程直方图如图1所示。

      Figure 1.  Histogram of elevation


      表1为高程直方图部分数据,从数据中可以看出高程在77.77~78.77 m之间点云数量有一个突然的大幅度增加,可以认为增加的点云是由于导线点点云导致的。

      781 505
      791 136

      Table 1.  Elevation histogram data

    • 通过阈值方法进行提取后能够提取出所有导线点云,然而在高植被地区,特别是在配网线路中,选取高程阈值在提取出导线点云的情况下也会混入植被点点云,相比于植被点点云,导线点点云具有较为明显的线性特征,如图2所示,其中图2(a)为导线点云,图2(b)为植被点云。

      Figure 2.  Morphological characteristics of power line and vegetation point clouds


      Figure 3.  Horizontal plane projection of a power line in different states

      图3为导线在自然条件下与存在风偏条件下于水平面平面投影的形态,从形态上可以看出在自然条件下导线在平面上的投影为一条直线,而在存在风偏的条件下投影为一条弧线。实际上在激光点云数据获取过程要求风速不大于10 m/s,根据设计要求,在此条件下导线风偏对于导线投影形态变化的影响可以忽略,近似认为导线在水平面的投影为一条直线,因此可以通过线性特征判别的方式来精化导线提取结果,剔除通过高程阈值误提取的植被点。


      Figure 4.  Power line and vegetation point cloud projection

      $$ {\rho }_{xy}=\frac{{\rm{cov}}(x,y)}{\sqrt{{{D}}\left(x\right)}\cdot \sqrt{{{D}}\left(y\right)}} $$ (5)


      ρxy ——投影到水平面上的点坐标与坐标的相关系数;

      cov (x, y)——xy协方差;

      D (x) ——x方差;

      D (y)——y方差。


      图5为针对单个点云选取一定半径内的点云示意图,通过示意图可以看出,提取周围点半径的选择不宜过小,若选取的半径过小则导线点云的线性特征体现不明显,且植被点可能被误判为导线点,同时选取的半径也不宜过大,半径过大可能导致范围内出现多条导线的点云影响分析结果。经过多次实验与分析,针对35 kV以上输电线路选取2 m的半径,配网线路选取0.8 m半径既能够保证判断的准确性又能够比较高效地进行计算。

      Figure 5.  Correlation coefficient calculated for each point

    • 通过导线点云精化提取后能够获取较为准确的导线点云,在分析过程中为了能够区分出每一回导线,一般采用DBSCAN的聚类方法对导线点云进行聚类分析,通过设置距离阈值将不同回路的导线区分出来,其算法描述如表2所示。

      Step1 从点集中取任意一个点将其设置为据类1,以1为中心R为半径获取距离内所有点将其设置为点1
      Step2 对Step1中获取到的所有未处理的点,重复Step1,Step2到所有点都完成处理为止
      Step3 若点集中不是所有点都完成处理,则对剩下未分类的点重复Step1~Step3
      Step4 若点集中所有点都完成了处理,则结束

      Table 2.  Algorithm step of DBSCAN

      通过DBSCAN算法,设置合适的阈值范围能够方便地提取出每一回路的导线,一般来说输电线路选择查找半径为0.5 m,配电线路选择查找半径为0.2 m能够较好地对导线进行分回路提取如图6所示。

      Figure 6.  Classified extracted power lines by circuit


      Figure 7.  Part of the point cloud of the power line missing



      $$ y=\dfrac{\alpha }{2}\left({{\rm{e}}}^{\tfrac{{x}}{2}}+{{\rm{e}}}^{-\tfrac{{x}}{2}}\right) $$ (6)


      $ \alpha $——导线所受到的一侧挂点的拉力。


      $$ y=x{\rm{tan}}\left(\beta \right)+\frac{\gamma x\left(l-x\right)}{2{\sigma }_{0}{\rm{cos}}\left(\beta \right)} $$ (7)


      $ \gamma $ ——导线比载;

      $ \sigma $ ——导线应力;

      $ \beta $ ——高差角;

      $ l $ ——导线档距。


    • 针对本文提出的算法,考虑到试验工作站的性能,实验中的区域选择采用两档档距为200 m的实际数据进行解算和分析,数据的主要选取范围如图。


      Figure 8.  Raw point cloud data of power lines and surrounding vegetation

      Figure 9.  The result of point cloud classification of tower and ground



      Figure 10.  Extraction results of traverse point cloud based on elevation threshold



      Figure 11.  Point cloud with vegetation removed


      Figure 12.  Classification result


    • 本文章提出的结合投影线性特征以及区域生长方法的点云电力线提取算法针对点云数据电力巡检应用中的电力导线提取问题具有较好的适用性。针对点云电力线提取过程中导线与植被混淆的问题,通过导线点云的空间几何特征将导线点云和植被点云进行区分,剔除了通过高程阈值误提取的植被点云数据;针对点云密度导致的导线点云缺失问题,通过悬链线公式拟合的方式对同回路导线点云进行合并,将同回路导线点云合并为同一类。


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