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Volume 10 Issue 6
Dec.  2023
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HUANG Junda, XU Rouna, TANG Siyao. Fast Analysis Method of Overhead Line Tree Barrier Based on Vectorized Power Line[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2023, 10(6): 146-152. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2023.06.017
Citation: HUANG Junda, XU Rouna, TANG Siyao. Fast Analysis Method of Overhead Line Tree Barrier Based on Vectorized Power Line[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2023, 10(6): 146-152. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2023.06.017

Fast Analysis Method of Overhead Line Tree Barrier Based on Vectorized Power Line

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2023.06.017
  • Received Date: 2022-10-22
  • Rev Recd Date: 2023-01-17
  • Available Online: 2023-12-26
  • Publish Date: 2023-11-10
  •   Introduction  With the continuous and rapid growth of the number of tree barrier inspections, visible light aerial photogrammetry has become the most important inspection method for hidden dangers of tree barriers in transmission lines of power supply bureaus in various cities. Since airborne laser radar cannot perform rapid iteration on a large number of point clouds, it is difficult to obtain high-precision point cloud power lines with visible light aerial photogrammetry. In the case of flourishing trees, it is difficult to comprehensively judge and analyze the relationship between tree tops, tree crowns and power lines, which results in problems such as misjudgment and omission of hidden dangers of tree barriers in the process of power line inspection. In order to solve this kind of problem, a solution of acquiring vectorized power line by laser radar is proposed. Through the intelligent analysis of vegetation information collected by multi-period visible light aerial photogrammetry, the solution of tree barrier is obtained.   Method  In view of the comprehensive situation that the image data collected by visible light aerial photogrammetry couldn't obtain high-precision point cloud power lines, it was difficult to simultaneously and comprehensively analyze the relationship between tree tops, tree crowns and power lines, and laser point cloud data couldn't be quickly iterated in large quantities, an overhead line tree barrier rapid analysis and processing system for multi-source spatio-temporal data of vectorized power lines was developed, which was suitable for the current conventional tree barrier inspection means, had comprehensive functions, saved resources, and was suitable for transmission and distribution networks.   Result  Through the three-dimensional real scene display of laser point cloud and visible light image data, the function of identifying and analyzing hidden dangers of tree barriers in power lines is realized. The vectorized power lines are complete and accurate. At the same time, combined with oblique photography technology, the data analysis of the hidden dangers of tree barriers results can identify 100% of the number of tree barrier hidden dangers.   Conclusion  The technical solution is accurate and effective, improves the efficiency and accuracy of the inspection of hidden dangers of tree barriers, and can provide guidance for practical application.
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  • 通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
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      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Fast Analysis Method of Overhead Line Tree Barrier Based on Vectorized Power Line

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2023.06.017

Abstract:   Introduction  With the continuous and rapid growth of the number of tree barrier inspections, visible light aerial photogrammetry has become the most important inspection method for hidden dangers of tree barriers in transmission lines of power supply bureaus in various cities. Since airborne laser radar cannot perform rapid iteration on a large number of point clouds, it is difficult to obtain high-precision point cloud power lines with visible light aerial photogrammetry. In the case of flourishing trees, it is difficult to comprehensively judge and analyze the relationship between tree tops, tree crowns and power lines, which results in problems such as misjudgment and omission of hidden dangers of tree barriers in the process of power line inspection. In order to solve this kind of problem, a solution of acquiring vectorized power line by laser radar is proposed. Through the intelligent analysis of vegetation information collected by multi-period visible light aerial photogrammetry, the solution of tree barrier is obtained.   Method  In view of the comprehensive situation that the image data collected by visible light aerial photogrammetry couldn't obtain high-precision point cloud power lines, it was difficult to simultaneously and comprehensively analyze the relationship between tree tops, tree crowns and power lines, and laser point cloud data couldn't be quickly iterated in large quantities, an overhead line tree barrier rapid analysis and processing system for multi-source spatio-temporal data of vectorized power lines was developed, which was suitable for the current conventional tree barrier inspection means, had comprehensive functions, saved resources, and was suitable for transmission and distribution networks.   Result  Through the three-dimensional real scene display of laser point cloud and visible light image data, the function of identifying and analyzing hidden dangers of tree barriers in power lines is realized. The vectorized power lines are complete and accurate. At the same time, combined with oblique photography technology, the data analysis of the hidden dangers of tree barriers results can identify 100% of the number of tree barrier hidden dangers.   Conclusion  The technical solution is accurate and effective, improves the efficiency and accuracy of the inspection of hidden dangers of tree barriers, and can provide guidance for practical application.

HUANG Junda, XU Rouna, TANG Siyao. Fast Analysis Method of Overhead Line Tree Barrier Based on Vectorized Power Line[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2023, 10(6): 146-152. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2023.06.017
Citation: HUANG Junda, XU Rouna, TANG Siyao. Fast Analysis Method of Overhead Line Tree Barrier Based on Vectorized Power Line[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2023, 10(6): 146-152. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2023.06.017
    • 随着多旋翼无人机的快速普及,可见光航测技术成为众多树障测量分析技术中应用最为广泛、综合性价比最高的技术。然而树障隐患分析中对点云的精度要求极高,难以直接使用多旋翼无人机的数据进行分析[1],特别是在树木繁盛的情况下,难以同时全方位观察树顶、树冠和电力线之间的情况下,经常造成误判、漏判。采用激光点云[2]数据进行分析数据的整合、分析工作量较大,通常采集时又伴随着耗费大量的人力、高成本的设备与处理效率低等问题。


    • 本次研究选择机载激光雷达扫描输电走廊获得高精度点云数据进行后续矢量化电力线提取[4-6]。电力线走廊激光点云数据采集的技术路线是:首先对测试区域环境进行考察[7],在考察过程中确定标靶和扫描仪的合适位置,利用这些工具保证测量数据的完整性、减少原始数据量及测试站数量、降低盲区的概率、提高航拍的工作效率。

    • 系统处理操作流程图如图1所示。

      Figure 1.  System processing operation flow chart

    • 依据相邻两座电塔连接的电力线俯视图呈直线且互相平行的特征,使用RANSAC电力线分条提取算法对分段电力线点云进行循环提取,得到各条电力线的点云。

      RANSAC算法[3]思路:(1)随机选择电力线俯视图点云中任意两点,通过这两个点确定一条直线L;(2)其距离阈值设置为d,计算电力线俯视图点云中与直线L的几何距离,其距离小于t的点构成局内点集S(L),否则为局外点(噪声点),统计局内点个数;(3)重复若干次随机选择,得到直线和相应的局内点集S( ),S( ),…,S( );(4)使用最小二乘法求最大局内点集的最佳拟合直线,作为电力线水平投影点云的最佳匹配直线。直线拟合的最小二乘法计算公式为:

      $$ \sum _{{i}=1}^{{n}}{({{Y}}_{{i}}-\widehat{{{Y}}_{{i}}})}^{2}={{\rm{min}}} $$ (1)

      其中表示最大局内点集点ii=1, 2 ,..., n)的坐标y值,表示点集内点ii=1, 2, ..., n)的坐标x值根据拟合直线方程计算得到的坐标y值。


      $$ K=\frac{\mathrm{l}\mathrm{o}\mathrm{g}(1-z)}{\mathrm{l}\mathrm{o}\mathrm{g}(1-{w}^{n})} $$ (2)


      K ——采样次数;

      z ——获取1组好样本的概率,一般设置为99%;

      w ——电力线点云中局内点的比例,一般在初始时设置为一个较小值,如0.1,然后迭代更新;

      n ——模型参数需要估计需要的最小局内点个数,电力线水平投影直线拟合中最少需要2个点。


      Figure 2.  Single-file power line strip extraction result display diagram


    • 将矢量化后的电力线结果信息记录在数据库中,成果文件提交至存储空间并反馈[9-10]。电力线模板可以通过本系统直接进行本次以及后续的树障隐患分析,用户也可以将电力线模型通过不同坐标系的转换与数据形式获取自己所需的数据应用于其他平台系统。系统所有的电力线模型通过一张图的形式进行展示,精细化模型后续可应用于建筑施工预警、区域工程监管、生态工程监管,山体滑坡危害等情况对经济社会发展提供可靠的支撑和保障。

    • 本次研究低精度点云使用倾斜摄影技术制作成三维模型的点云。点云重叠度从80%降低到30%,飞行方式使用从以往蛇型环绕方式改为杆塔区间U型。



      Figure 3.  Low-precision point cloud combined with vectorized power line display

    • 根据电力行业标准和规范对安全距离的规定要求,利用分类后点云数据[3],自动进行输电导线与地面、树木等之间间距自动计算,完成输电线路树障隐患检测[6]。树障隐患自动分析技术具体流程是:根据可见光点云导线自动提取技术提取出完整准确的导线点云,以及基于可见光的植被提取方法提取用于架空线路树障分析的植被点云,使用KdTree遍历导线点云,将导线搜索点添加到植被点云中,根据国家规定的安全距离设置垂直距离阈值R,将阈值R作为KdTree[12]半径搜索的半径值,位于该半径内的植被点视为树障隐患部位,相应植被点被标记,从植被点云中删除导线搜索点,直到所有导线点完成搜索。输出被标记的植被点,即为该输电线路的树障分析隐患点,为后续核实修复工作提供原始资料。某段35 kV输电线路可见光点云的树障隐患分析结果如下图所示,该段导线到植被最短距离为4 m,不满足国家规定的安全距离,因此该段输电线路存在树障隐患[13-14]


    • 本研究生成的矢量化电力线[14-18]还可以对输电线路中的实际状况进行模拟,导线在考虑自身应力的内在因素以及外界的风速、覆冰、温度等不同环境中引起矢量化电力线的弧垂变化,计算此时电力线与植被的距离,分析生成工况树障隐患报告。隐患分析实验统计结果如表1所示。


      Table 1.  Statistical results of hidden danger analysis experiment

      本研究将在温度为50摄氏度的情况下对矢量化电力线的工况隐患分析与点云电力工况隐患分析进行对比,隐患分析实验统计结果如表1 所示,模型分析最大误差为0.38 m,隐患总数误差为0。可得出在极端天气中利用矢量化电力线进行工况模拟隐患分析的结果与激光点云进行工况模拟隐患分析结果差异较小且准确可靠。

    • 结合曲线多项式方程得到电力线的分条提取结果,将获取的电力线投影到电力线方向与Z轴构成的平面上,再利用最小二乘原理对抛物线进行处理,得出最佳拟合曲线方程沿X轴每0.01 m生成一个电力线三维矢量节点,近似表达电力线矢量。如图4所示,该图为某档电力线在原始点云中的三维重建结果。在实验中电力线的重建精度采用原始电力线点云与矢量化模型的最佳拟合点进行最小距离、平均距离、最大距离等多项指标进行对比。其中该档的矢量化精度统计表如表2所示,在实验结果中的平均值0.042 m为最大误差。由该结果得出实验误差在可接受范围内,矢量化导线方法可行。单档电力线三维重建实验统计结果如表2所示。单档电力线矢量化结果如图4所示。

      Figure 4.  Single-file power line vectorization result

      实验数据$ {\mathrm{d}\mathrm{i}\mathrm{s}}_{\mathrm{m}\mathrm{e}\mathrm{a}\mathrm{n}} $/cm$ {\mathrm{d}\mathrm{i}\mathrm{s}}_{\mathrm{m}\mathrm{a}\mathrm{x}} $/cm$ {\mathrm{d}\mathrm{i}\mathrm{s}}_{\mathrm{m}\mathrm{i}\mathrm{n}} $/m电力线长度/m
      电力线13.592 6913.363 77.324 22 × 10−4281.5
      电力线23.928 6212.311 02. 082 42 × 10−3280.3
      电力线34.061 8822.912 67.000 78 × 10−4281.4
      电力线44.144 4512.882 39.153 05 × 10−4280.2
      电力线54.167 6714.958 33.222 69 × 10−3282.1
      电力线63.966 5516.971 81.119 44 × 10−3282.0
      电力线73.946 3911.320 49.085 07 × 10−4280.8
      电力线83.945 8511.459 71.178 41 × 10−3280.4

      Table 2.  Statistical results of single-file power line 3D reconstruction experiment

    • 本研究将矢量化电力线的隐患分析与点云电力隐患分析进行对比,隐患分析结果统计结果如表2所示,模型拟合最大误差为0.33 m,隐患总数误差为0。得出低精度点云加上矢量化电力线在隐患分析结果精度较在可接受范围内、隐患识别率100%,准确度较好,矢量化电力线的树障隐患分析结果准确可靠。激光点云与矢量化点树障分析结果如图5图6所示。

      Figure 5.  Analysis results of laser point cloud tree barrier

      Figure 6.  Analysis results of vectorized point cloud tree barrier

    • 研究表明通过利用高精度点云矢量化电力线与低精度点云相结合的方式,可以保证电力线三维重建精度和树障分析准确度的情况下大量降低树障巡检的成本且减少飞行的危险性。该情况还能有效发挥数据整合的优势,提供跨系统跨平台复用。








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