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Volume 10 Issue S1
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YANG Xiaotian, HUANG Zhijun. Analysis on the Impact of Subsidy Payment Lag and Electricity Price Reduction on Offshore Wind Farm Project Benefit[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2023, 10(S1): 47-50. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2023.S1.007
Citation: YANG Xiaotian, HUANG Zhijun. Analysis on the Impact of Subsidy Payment Lag and Electricity Price Reduction on Offshore Wind Farm Project Benefit[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2023, 10(S1): 47-50. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2023.S1.007

Analysis on the Impact of Subsidy Payment Lag and Electricity Price Reduction on Offshore Wind Farm Project Benefit

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2023.S1.007
  • Received Date: 2022-08-07
  • Rev Recd Date: 2022-10-23
  • Publish Date: 2023-06-30
  •   Introduction  Rapid development of offshore wind power is around the corner in Guangdong Province. However, the lag of financial subsidies and uncertainty of electricity prices will affect the economic benefits of offshore wind power projects.   Method  Four typical offshore wind power projects in Guangdong Province were selected to calculate the impact of subsidy payment lag by one year, two years and three years on the financial internal rate of return (FIRR) of the projects.   Result  The calculation result shows that the payment lag of financial subsidies and electricity price have a great impact on the economy of the projects.   Conclusion  It is suggested that the analysis of sensitive factors such as subsidy payment lag and electricity price uncertainty should be additionally considered in the early decision-making stage of offshore wind power projects.
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  • 通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
    • 1. 

      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Analysis on the Impact of Subsidy Payment Lag and Electricity Price Reduction on Offshore Wind Farm Project Benefit

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2023.S1.007

Abstract:   Introduction  Rapid development of offshore wind power is around the corner in Guangdong Province. However, the lag of financial subsidies and uncertainty of electricity prices will affect the economic benefits of offshore wind power projects.   Method  Four typical offshore wind power projects in Guangdong Province were selected to calculate the impact of subsidy payment lag by one year, two years and three years on the financial internal rate of return (FIRR) of the projects.   Result  The calculation result shows that the payment lag of financial subsidies and electricity price have a great impact on the economy of the projects.   Conclusion  It is suggested that the analysis of sensitive factors such as subsidy payment lag and electricity price uncertainty should be additionally considered in the early decision-making stage of offshore wind power projects.

YANG Xiaotian, HUANG Zhijun. Analysis on the Impact of Subsidy Payment Lag and Electricity Price Reduction on Offshore Wind Farm Project Benefit[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2023, 10(S1): 47-50. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2023.S1.007
Citation: YANG Xiaotian, HUANG Zhijun. Analysis on the Impact of Subsidy Payment Lag and Electricity Price Reduction on Offshore Wind Farm Project Benefit[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2023, 10(S1): 47-50. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2023.S1.007
    • 近年来,海上风电装机和发电量占比逐年提高,按照《可再生能源法》,海上风电属于新能源项目,享受国家补贴,国家补贴通过销售电价中增加可再生能源电价附加来解决[1-3]

      广东省发展和改革委员会2018年正式印发《广东省海上风电发展规划(2017—2030年)(修编)》(后简称广东省风电规划),广东省风电规划明确了广东省海上风电建设装机目标:到2020年底,开工建设海上风电装机容量12 GW以上,其中建成投产2 GW以上;到2030年底,建成投产海上风电装机容量约30 GW。

      广东省风电规划给广东省海上风电的发展指明了方向,同时,随着以财政补贴电价政策为特色的新能源发电装机容量迅猛发展,必然给政府带来沉重的补贴压力[4-6]。以2030年投产30 GW容量测算,按照目前的补贴水平,预计每年需带来的财政补贴达到了300亿元左右的规模。沉重的财政补贴压力必然带来政府的失约,带来补贴的延迟支付,给项目经济效益带来负面影响[7-10]


    • 海上风电电价补贴滞后及电价未来的不确定性将对广东省海上风电的经济效益带来较大的影响。本文将选取广东省海域4个海上风电典型项目,覆盖从粤东到粤西的海域,测算海上风电电价补贴滞后及电价的降低对于海上风电财务内收益率的影响。

    • 为更好地分析补贴滞后及电价未来的不确定性将对广东省海上风电的经济效益带来较大的影响,本文选取了广东省4个海上风电典型项目,覆盖从粤东到粤西的海域。这4个项目的基本信息如表1所示。

      海域 粤东海域 粤东海域 粤西海域 粤西海域
      水深/m 16~24 32~37 27~32 0~19
      离岸距离/km 30 26 28 15
      设备年利用小时数/h 2905 3270 2734 2 375

      Table 1.  Basic information of typical projects

    • 根据新能源发电财政补贴滞后情况,分滞后1年、滞后2年、滞后3年对上述4个典型项目的全投资财务内部收益率(税后)的影响程度进行了分析,如表2分析表明,每滞后1年,全投资财务内部收益率(税后)约降低0.6%。从而可以看出,财政补贴滞后对于项目经济效益有一定的影响。

      不滞后 8.14 8.57 7.06 5.89
      补贴滞后1年 7.54 −0.6 7.93 −0.64 6.51 −0.55 5.38 −0.51
      补贴滞后2年 7.07 −1.07 7.37 −1.2 5.99 −1.07 4.92 −0.97
      补贴滞后3年 6.65 −1.49 6.87 −1.7 5.56 −1.5 4.55 −1.34

      Table 2.  Impact of payment lag of financial subsidies on total investment FIRR (after-tax) of offshore wind power projects

    • 根据新能源发电财政补贴滞后情况,分滞后1年、滞后2年、滞后3年对上述4个典型项目的资本金财务内部收益率的影响程度进行了分析,如表3分析表明,每滞后1年,全投资财务内部收益率(税后)约降低1.4%~3.0%。从而可以看出,财政补贴滞后对于项目经济效益有一定的影响。

      不滞后 15.96 16.58 10.39 7.72
      13.23 −2.73 13.48 −3.1 8.85 −1.54 6.29 −1.43
      11.42 −4.54 11.5 −5.08 7.55 −2.84 4.95 −2.77
      10.03 −5.93 10.07 −6.51 6.48 −3.91 3.75 −3.97

      Table 3.  Impact of payment lag of financial subsidies on capital fund FIRR of offshore wind power projects

    • 国家能源局2018年5月24日发布的《关于2018年度风电建设管理有关要求的通知》中对于2019年核准的项目,需采取竞价上网的方式,这对于海上风电的电价会有较大的冲击。对于选中的典型项目,本文分别从上网电价下降10 ~100元/MWh,测算了不同电价下降对于海上风电项目经济效益的影响。



      基本方案 850元 8.14 8.57 7.06 5.89
      −10元/MWh 8.00 1.52 8.42 1.50 6.90 1.84 5.74 2.12
      −20元/MWh 7.85 1.52 8.26 1.51 6.75 1.84 5.59 2.12
      −30元/MWh 7.70 1.53 8.11 1.51 6.60 1.85 5.44 2.13
      −40元/MWh 7.55 1.53 7.96 1.52 6.44 1.85 5.29 2.14
      −50元/MWh 7.41 1.54 7.80 1.52 6.29 1.86 5.14 2.15
      −80元/MWh 6.95 1.55 7.33 1.54 5.81 1.88 4.68 2.17
      −100元/MWh 6.64 1.57 7.01 1.55 5.49 1.89 4.37 2.19

      Table 4.  Analysis on the impact of electricity price reduction on total investment FIRR (after-tax) of the projects



      基本方案850元 15.96 16.58 10.39 7.72
      −10元/MWh 15.44 2.77 16.06 2.67 10.02 3.03 7.34 4.18
      −20元/MWh 14.93 2.74 15.54 2.67 9.65 3.03 6.96 4.18
      −30元/MWh 14.42 2.73 15.02 2.67 9.29 3.00 6.59 4.15
      −40元/MWh 13.9 2.74 14.49 2.68 8.91 3.03 6.22 4.13
      −50元/MWh 13.4 2.73 13.98 2.67 8.52 3.06 5.86 4.10
      −80元/MWh 11.9 2.70 12.42 2.67 7.37 3.09 4.72 4.13
      −100元/MWh 10.9 2.69 11.39 2.66 6.56 3.13 3.91 4.19

      Table 5.  Analysis on the impact of electricity price reduction on capital fund FIRR of the projects

    • 本文选取了广东省海域4个海上风电典型项目,测算了补贴滞后及电价降低对于海上风电项目经济效益的影响程度。分析结果表明,补贴滞后对于海上风电经济效益有一定的影响,而电价降低对于海上风电项目经济效益有较大的影响。建议海上风电项目在前期决策阶段需增加补贴滞后及电价不确定性等敏感因素的分析。

Reference (10)



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